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( present time )


"Here we are! Welcome to your new home for the next few months!" Mayu excitedly exclaims as they all stepped out of the car. Sola looks around the place wondrous gaze. She subtly took a deep breath of the fresh air, nodding her head at the older woman who kept on talking about their home. She seemed pretty excited to have another girl in their home.

"Oh I can't wait to show you around Sola! We also ha—" In the middle of their conversation, Mayu was cut off by the ringing of her phone. She blinks in surprise and pulls out her phone from her pocket, letting out a sigh before looking back at her parents and Sola with an apologetic smile.

"You can go ahead, I'll catch up later after I take this." She said, waving her phone before answering it as she started walking away from them.

Midori turns to the young midnight haired girl and smiles warmly. "Come

"Okay, come on in Y/n." Midori said, placing a hand bend the girl's back as she leads her inside their home.

"I'm sorry if our home may be little different to what you're used to." Midori told her, looking at her with a small smile on her face. The teen immediately started shaking her head no along with her hands.

"Oh no no, I find it find very lovely Midori-san— very homey if I say so myself!" Sola reassures the older woman, who greatly smiled at the young girl's words.

"Well do find yourself at home, Sola. Our home is your home as well." Mr. Ishikawa said, patting the girl's shoulder before walking away from the two.

Mrs. Ishikawa glances back at the teenager and smiles, "Well I'm going to prepare for tonight's dinner. Is it alright for you if I make Japanese food?" She asked.

"Oh I haven't really tried Japanese food before but anything would be great. Not much of a picky eater at all." Sola informs her, tucking a piece of her behind her ear.

"Wonderful! I can't wait for you to try my specialty." The older lady replied, giving her a bright eye smile.

Sola smiles back at her, subtly glancing around in curiosity, her eyes lighting up with wonder at the little trinkets that were displayed around the house. Her eyes sparkled at sight of a volleyball placed as a display on one of the shelves.

"You're a fan of volleyball, Midori-san?" She unconsciously asked as she lets her eyes roam around the whole shelf. She could see a lot of family pictures of their family

"Ah you could say that. Three of my children do have a knack for that sport." Midori smiled. "They've been playing volleyball for their whole lives. Most especially—" she was suddenly cut off by the front door suddenly opening.

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