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CHAPTER ONEa new change

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a new change


It was midday afternoon when a young girl enters the Rodriquez household in a hurried manner, following after her was an older woman who seemed to be in her 30's.

Her social worker, Sarah, sighs at the sight of the troublesome young girl. "Oh what am I going to do with you? This already has been your 3rd time this year." she said as she sets down her keys at the table.

The midnight blue colored haired girl lets out a annoyed groan. "What? It's not my fault that I'm not much of a likable person to be apart of their family. I can't just force them to take me in!" She argued back.

"Just send me to another foster home. I'm sure i'll be able to survive 'till I reach 18." Sola said, dropping down her sack of stuff down at Sarah's living room carpet.

Sarah lets out a tired sigh and removes her glasses from the bridge of her nose. "That's probably going to take me a while to find you a new one. Families these days just don't want to foster anymore."

"Lucky me then." The teenager sarcastically said, slumping her whole body on to the couch with her face facing down the pillows.

The older woman looks at her in sympathy. She had always hoped that Sola would be able to find a forever home. The last one was a close one. The couple had already took her in and was already planning on adopting her since they can't seem to conceive a child of their own. But then they suddenly had withdrawn after Sola met with the grandparents.

Apparently, the grandmother hated the idea of having a granddaughter that shares no blood relation with her and didn't want any of their richness would be passed onto her.

So both parents had decided to not sign the paper and kick her off from their home- well that is from Sola pov of the story. She wasn't exactly 'kicked out', she just got transferred back to the system. Which is why she's currently staying at Sarah's place for immediate placement.

"I can feel your stare at the back of my head Sarah." Her trail of thoughts were cut off by the girl's muffled voice. The older woman clears her throat out and placed both of her hands on her waist.

"Alright, so you know the drill. You'll be staying with me for a while before I could find you a new home. Chores will be disseminated so that we both have equal tasks in this house just like before."

Sola sits up straight, blowing a piece of midnight blue colored hair away from her face before focusing her gaze onto the older lady. Her face softens and smiles meekly, "Thanks again Sarah." she thanks her in appreciation.

"You can thank me by removing your stinky feet off the coach!" Sarah exclaims, pulling up a pillow and gently hits it against the younger girl's legs. The latter one only lets out a giggle and sticks her tongue out before placing both of her feet back down the carpet.

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