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CHAPTER THREEtime will tell

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time will tell

(present time)

After a few moments of processing the news, the realizations finally came to Sola.

"Oh my god, I'M GOING TO JAPAN!" Sola exclaims loudly, already jumping in her seat. She couldn't believe that just happened.

"Wait hold on—" Sarah said, holding out a hand. "Meaning to say you got accepted for an internship program in Japan? Since when did you applied for this?" She inquired, quirking an eyebrow at the girl's way.

The midnight blue haired girl sheepishly smiles up at her caretaker. "Uh since I've arrived here?" She timidly replied, pushing both of pointer fingers together. The older woman lets out a sigh, furrowing her eyebrows together. Sola seemed to notice the distress behind her caretaker's eyes.

"Oh honey, Japan is all the way up in the northernmost area in the map. You can't exactly just walk into a new country just like that." Sarah told her softly as she tried her best to explain it in the nicest way possible.

But Sola looks at her a bit weirdly, not entirely sure what's the problem with it.

"But why? What's the difference about it? I have a passport anyway so I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad." Sola tried persuading her, but the older woman shook her head and grabs a hold the younger girl's shoulder— catching the girl off guard.

"Listen to me very carefully. As much I want you to do this, there are still rules that we still need to abide— most especially with your situation..." Sarah starts to slowly explains the process in getting to Japan to the young girl so that she would at least understand what she had meant. As Sola continues to listen to her, the smile on her face starts to slowly fade away from her to form a tight lipped smile.

It rather seem impossible for her to get out of the country with the amount of paperwork that needs to be done. Along with that, the amount of money that she needs to have in order to survive in an unknown country.

"I know you really want this but I just don't want to be giving you a false hope, okay?" Sarah said, rubbing her thumbs onto the girl's back of the hand. The midnight blue haired girl looks down at her lap, blinking rapidly as she tries to blink away the upcoming tears.

"But could we at least try?" Sola whispered, looking up at her with pleading eyes. "Please? This has always been my dream Sarah, you know that. I feel like this is going to my life in a turn."

The older lady looks down at the girl with a soft gaze. She always have a soft spot for this girl. She sighs before giving her a small smile. "Okay. I'll see what I can do but don't blame me if this doesn't work, alright?" She reluctantly replied, shrugging with a teasing smile on her face.

And with that response, the girl's face instantly lit up. "Thank you so much Sarah! You really are the best." She surprised the older woman by tackling her in a hug.

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