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| In Tokyo, Japan 📍

"Coaches, thank you for taking your time to have a meeting with me. I know it's our very busy season already but this would be just quick." The President of the Japan Volleyball Association said to them, shaking all of the coaches hands before gesturing them to their seats. "Please, do take a seat."

All of the 5 coaches nods and walked over to the empty seats around the rectangular table.

The president eyes each one of them with a amused look on his face. "Now, you must be wondering why I've called you all in- relax you're not in trouble haha." He chortles, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

Those words seemed to have comforted most of the coaches as they finally sat on their seats comfortably.

The president chuckles at their face. "Well, I've decided that things needed to be changed in JVA and I want it to start with the teams." He told them.

"So how are things with the teams?" He asked.

The coaches turn to each other before nodding, "They're doing great at the moment. They are training really hard for the new upcoming international season." One of the other coaches informs him, smiling timidly afterwards

"Although..." He trailed off, not entirely sure what to include before casting a glance to the other men beside him.

Coach Blain clears out his throat before nodding towards the previous speaker that he's going to add something to what he had just said. "Actually sir- the coaches and I have been discussing for a while now. We felt like the there's a little bit of lackness in the team, perhaps diversity as well." He informed him.

"It's like-" He tries to continue but was cut off by their boss.

"Like there is no change in both teams? Is that what I'm getting from this?" The president asked, rubbing his chin in thought. He lets out a hum of satisfaction to see the coaches nod at his way.

"Well I believe I do have the solution for that." He said, standing up giddily from his seat and hands each one of them a folder containing a document. All of the coaches looked at the folder in curiosity before opening it to read the document.

"The board and I have decided that the JVA will now be opening a internship program for this company. I know that we have a lot of coaches in our team but this position will only be assistant coach for RJN."

"Now, the twist in this is that we'll be recruiting young teenagers or young adults rather, for the assistant coach position." The president finished his words and smiled to himself. The coaches glanced at each other in confusion.

"Why an internship program for assistant coach? Wouldn't people would think that this idea might be a bad thing since we're technically recruiting teenagers." The president shrugs at the coach's question.

"Well I truly believe that the youth can truly change up things around here. Kids nowadays are quite intelligent, don't you think? Besides, I've seen a lot teenagers who have a fantastic talent in volleyball so this is also a great opportunity for international kids to join as well!" The president grins widely as if he had just answered a billion dollar question.

"So, who's with me?!" He exclaims, looking at all of the them in anticipation. All of the coaches turned to each other in awkwardness, not really knowing what to respond to him.

"I do think that the president has gone bonkers with his idea. Teenagers? As assistant coach for Japan's National Team? Please that would be a sight to see." One of the coaches snickers to his co-workers.

"Actually, he might be just right." Coach Blaine said, immediately catching the other coaches attention. He instantly raised his hand up in the air in a surrender motion to see the disbelief from their eyes.

"I know it might be a crazy idea but he's got a point. Japan Men's National Team needs to be changed, reevaluated, or rejuvenated rather. The teams needs to have fresh new ideas and strategies to bring to the table. And if bringing a kid to this team could help us, then it might just switch things up around here!"

"So please, just think about it." The other coaches looked at each other, looking quite convinced but there's still a hint of hesitancy behind their eyes before looking back at the head coach.

"Okay, we'll follow your lead then Coach." They nod to him causing the older man to smile at them in appreciation. He's really thankful that they were on board with the idea.

"Thank you. The search starts now then." Coach Blaine sighs, crossing his arms together. This is going to take them a long time for them to search for the assistant coach.

This kid better be worth it...

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