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Peter woke up right before Happy had parked the car in the bottom floor garage of the compound. He yawned, stretching his arms out as he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned his attention to Addie. The preschooler was almost fully asleep, her small fist clenching Peter bear's blanket tightly as her eyes were partially closed. The brunet grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder before stepping out of the vehicle; Happy beat him to getting the preschooler out of the car before he could get to the other side. He watched as the burly man set the preschooler on the ground next to him. She let out a small high pitched whine that Peter recognized was a common noise when she was tired and reached over to Happy's jacket, tugging at it.

He looked down at her, "What's wrong ladybug?" he asked softly.

She yawned widely and reached her arms up to him, making grabby hands towards him.

He chuckled and sighed softly, "Alright..." he announced, leaning over and gently picking her up and holding her. "Better?" he asked, turning his head to look at her after she laid her head on his shoulder.

She nodded her head and hummed sleepily in content.

He started to gently rub circles on her back, as he turned his attention to him," Alright kid, let's get you upstairs; you know how much Tony hates to wait."

Peter chuckled and nodded as they started walking to the elevator.

When the elevator doors opened, Peter saw Natasha was waiting for them, it seemed that JARVIS had told her that the three of them had arrived. He grinned at the redhead, knowing he'd have to explain himself later for dodging her attempt to hug him as well as give her the biggest hug he could without crushing her. He dodged her grasp and darted down the hall towards the labs.

"Hi Nat, bye Nat!" he called, throwing her a small wave as he ran to where his mentor was waiting for him; he could hear Happy chuckling in amusement.

Natasha cut the teenager who avoided his attempt to tousle his hair a knowing look as he disappeared down the hall. He was hiding something. She turned her attention to Happy and the toddler that he was holding; she smiled at the preschooler who leaned towards her, her arms partially open.

She quickly scooped her up from the burly man in front of her and hugged her to her chest, "Hi sweet girl." she cooed, she gave Happy a questioning look.

The burly man shrugged and released a heavy sigh as he held back a smirk at the redhead's uncharacteristic behavior, "It's a long story." he replied.

She smirked and nodded knowingly, "Why don't you tell me?" she asked.

He let out a small laugh, "Well the babysitter backed out list minute after May went to work this morning and apparently' Peter's solution was to take her to school with him."

The redhead shook her head, laughing slightly, "Only Peter would think of taking a preschooler to highschool." she replied, pausing slightly, "Did he get in trouble? Does Tony need to pull any strings?"

He shook his head, smiling a little at how much she cared for the brunet teenager, "Surprisingly No to both of those questions," he replied," but we do need to figure out a new sitter because I'm pretty sure if he takes her to school with him tomorrow, there will be consequences."

She nodded, running her fingers through the sleeping toddler's curly locks, "Just bring her here." she announced, adjusting the girl in her arms.

He gave her a questioning gaze, "Bring her here?" he questioned.

Peter's FindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora