CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: A Match Made in Chaos

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The next morning, Peter woke up to the sound of his door knob juggling. He pushed himself upright and noticed that Addie was no longer sleeping next to him; he looked to the door and saw the four- year-old jumping on her tiptoes at the door handle. He laughed and pushed himself out of the bed, throwing his sheets and comforter to the side as he walkedover to the toddler.

He picked her up, laughing slightly in amusement, "Whatcha doin' jellybean?" he asked.

She sighed quietly to herself, ""opn." she announced, pointing at his door.

He gave her a slightly confused look, "Why?" he asked as he walked over to his bed and sat down with her.

She sighed, "I get dressed Petur," she replied matter of factly.

He nodded, laughing slightly to himself, jeez she had so much character, not that he was complaining though, "okay." he stood up and sat her down on the bed, "Let me go get dressed ADdie, then it's your turn okay?"

She gave him a thumbs up, "Otay." she agreed.

He grinned and ruffled her curls softly, "You're the best jealybean." he replied

She grinned at him.

He made sure she stayed in her palace before walking over to his dresser and pulling out a shirt and a pair of jeans before walking over to his bathroom and slipping inside so he could change. He quickly stripped off his pajamas, quickly pulling on his new clothes. He opened the bathroom door and went into his room, hopping on one foot as he tugged on his socks with one hand while reaching behind himself to pull the door shut with the other. Addie was giggling at him, especially when his hair continued flopping about against his forehead.

He grinned at her, "Not it's your time?" he announced

She nodded and held her arms up at him, "Otay Petur."

Hw quickly picked her up, balancing on her his hip like he usually did before walking down the hall and opening the door to the toddler's bedroom. He flipped the switch on with his free hand and walked into the room. He setAddie on the floor, letting her run free around the room, it was hers after all. He grabbed a pair of underclothes when she ran back over to him and plopping a pink teddybear in front of him. He grinned at her and motioned for her to pick out his own clothes as he held the small toy.

"You need any help this time jellybean?" he asked as he undid the button on the back of her night shirt.

She shook her head, "I do it Petur." she announced

He nodded, "Okay, call me if you need me."

She nodded, "Otay bye bye." she replied, waving at him emphatically.

He chuckled and set the dress and underclothes that he'd gotten out for her on her short ped and pushed himself up from his kneeling position on the floor. He pulled the door shut behind him and leaned against the wall by it. A few moments later, he heard the sounds of her calling out to him and a quiet thump. He quickly threw the door open and ran to her, quickly picking her up and planting her firmly on the ground.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" he asked.

"Hep Peter! Hep." she begged, her voice muffled by the cloth that was over her face

He nodded, "Alright, I'm coming, jelly bean," he replied, stifling a laugh.

He reached over to the toddler and started adjusting the sleeve in which she'd managed to get her head stuck in in her efforts to change her clothes quickly. He reached through the underside of her dress and helped her move her head to the correct hole before brushing her hair out of her eyes. She grinned at him and he reached through the sleeve to grab her slightly chubby arm. After he helped her pull her arm through, he helped pull her messy curls out of the dress's neckline.

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