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Peter looked up at the dark-haired boy that was dangling the pink velvety toy above his head, "Give it back Flash." he replied with a huff.

The boy smirked and turned the toy over in his hand, "Aren't you a little too old to be playing with a teddy bear Parker?" he asked, tossing the toy up and down in his hand.

"Come on Flash, give it back." he repeated, motioning for him to give the toy back to him before the preschooler started to cry because he wasn't so sure he'd be able to get her to stop in enough time.

THe boy smirked and went out to hand it to him, "If you want it so bad, why don't you take it?" he replied.

Peter paused, looking at him what was he doing?, he reached out to take it and the boy snatched it back from him, laughing maniacally, "You really thought that I'd give it to you Penis Parker?" he snapped, roughly squeezing the toy, "god you're stupid."

Peter huffed and rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to make a smart remark that would probably get him beat up, "Please just give it back, I really need it." he mumbled.

The tanned boy grinned at him, "What are you going to do if I don't?" he asked.

Peter sighed, readying himself to stand up against him because this time he was bullying not just him, but his sister too and he wasn't going to let that happen; he heard MJ push herself up from the table, "Give it back Eugene." she spat.

He glared at her, "If it isn't Michelle." he retorted, but Peter knew that he wouldn't dare to tease her like he did him because of the last time he attempted to.

"Give. him. the. bear." she replied.

He held the toy out to Peter, using his fingers to turn the head from side to side, "I. don't. want. to." he replied, making his voice pick up in pitch, "What are you five Parker? Why the hell do you need a pink teddy bear made for babies." he replied.

"I-it's not mine." he replied, he could feel Addie squirming in his lap as she stared up at him, her bright green eyes beginning to water.

"I-it's not mine." the boy mocked, "It came out of your backpack Penis....why don't you tell the truth or your little teddy is going to take a trip."

He heard Addie cry out, "No! My bear." she called, reaching out.

He felt Flash grab his shoulder and pull him to where he was facing him full on, "What the-"

The auburn-haired toddler glared at him, her eyes watering, pointing directly to the teddy bear, "Dat mine." she whined as she held her hands out for the toy.

He stood there frozen for a second, his eyes flicking back and forth between the green-eyed preschooler that was in Peter's lap, "What the fu-"

MJ quickly cut him off and stood up from her spot, "Shut up Flash," she announced as she walked around the table and snatched the toy from the shorter teenager, giving him a cold stare before gently placing the teddy bear in the preschooler's hands, "There ya go." she announced, giving her a slight smile.

She grinned slightly at the curly-haired brunette and hugged the toy against her chest before leaning to the side and glaring at the boy who'd snatched her toy, "You a vewy mean boy." she replied, sticking her tongue out at him.

He glared back at her, "And Peter is a piece of trash." he retorted.

She grunted at him and crossed her arms over her chest, "Petur da best big bover." she replied, turning around to hug the boy that was holding her, "You good bover..." she announced, hugging him.

Peter gave her a small smile, temporarily ignoring the olive-skinned bully who was staring at him with wide eyes.

"What the hell is this?" the teenager asked loudly.

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