Chapter Eight: Tasha's Secret Boyfriend

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Natasha pushed herself back from the punching bag, pulling the strap around her wrist loose with her teeth before pulling her boxing gloves off and tossing them into her designated locker. She reached up and tugged the hair tie out of her red locks, letting her hair fall down past her shoulders as she walked out of the training room and down the hall to where the main common area was. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, drinking the majority of it before going up to her room to get a shower. She pushed the door closed behind her with her foot as she pulled off her sneakers; she left them in their place under the edge of her bed before walking over to her dresser, tugging off her sports bra as she dug through her dresser for a change of clothes. After she got them, she carried them to her bathroom and placed them on the counter. She turned the hot water on as hot as it would go and pulled the curtain as she turned the shower on. Pulling off her clothes, she stepped into the shower, letting the water cascade over her. She stepped out a few moments later, grabbing a towel to dry herself off before going through the process of pulling on her clothes. After, she pulled her hair back with a clip, and put on a pair of socks, not bothering to put on a pair of shoes as she pulled the door shut behind. As she walked past Peter's room, she heard a small voice and the noises of rustling from the boy's room. She smiled faintly, figuring that the toddler was awake, she slowly opened the door and peeked her head through the door. She found Addie on her knees, leaning over to Peter and poking his cheek with her small, chubby finger.

The girl huffed, "Up Petur, up." she announced, tugging at his arm.

The sixteen year old groaned and a loud snore escaped from him as he rolled over and shoved his face into the pillow.

She huffed again and frowned, poking the back of his head, "No Petur." she announced.

Natasha laughed quietly, "What are you doing sweet girl?" she asked.

The girl turned around to face her, "Tasha!" she called loudly.

Tasha walked over to bed and put a finger over her lips, "Shhhh...." she whispered, she held her hands out and motioned for the girl to come over to her, "Come here sweet girl." she called.

The girl nodded and crawled over to her, holding her arms up to him, so she could be picked up.

Natasha balanced her on her hip, "What are you doing sweet girl?"

Addie pointed towards the teenager, "Wake Petur." she replied.

The redhead nodded, "You want to come with me and make breakfast for Pete r?" she asked.

The girl nodded, "Mhm mhm mhm."

Natasha nodded and walked to the door and opened it, "Okay," she whispered, "let's let him sleep."

"Otay." the younger girl replied.

Natasha leaned over and picked up a short pair of overalls and a shirt from off the top of Peter's dresser, "Let's get you dressed then hmm?" she asked.

Addie nodded, "Bye bye Petur," she called, waving her hand at the man.

Natasha carried Addie back to her room, where she set her down on the bed and set the clothes down next to the younger girl. Addie lifted her hands up in the air, attempting to pull her arm out of the sleeve of her nightgown. Natasha gently reached over and helped pull her arms out of the sleeves and then pulled the dress off over her head. The redhead handed the girl the shirt and the toddler pulled it down over her head, her auburn curls popping through the neckline a few moments later. Natasha helped the girl guide her arms through the armholes and pulled her hair out of her neckline, combing her fingers through the red tinged locks. Addie handed her the overalls and helped the woman push her legs through the legs of the overalls. Natasha lifted her up and pulled the overalls up and set her back down, pulling the straps over her arms and buckling them in place. She straightened her position and grinned at the girl.

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