Chapter Nine: My Tebe.

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"Honey I'm home!" Sam yelled as he let the door shut behind him.

Natasha heard the man and rolled his eyes at him; Steve stood up, balancing Addie on his hip as they made their way into the living room where Sam was standing. The man was holding a couple of bags in each hand.

"Where have you been Sam?" Steve asked; the man had been gone for almost four hours at this point.

"I went on a treasure hunt," he responded with a smirk.

"You fin tesure?" Addie asked him, tilting her head to the side.

He nodded, "I sure did little mama," he replied as he reached into one of the bags; Natasha tilted her head to the side at the sight of the man digging through the bag.

"You went to a toy store?" the redhead asked, noticing that the bags had a toys store's symbol on them.

The man let out a dry chuckle, "Correction Romanoff, not just a toy store, thirteen toy stores." he replied.

"Why did you go to thirteen toy stores?" Nat asked him, she was clearly amused by his statement.

"I was on a treasure hunt," the dark skinned man repeated.

"What is this treasure Sam?" Steve asked him, he was curious about what the man was referring to.

"This." he responded as he pulled out the small brown bear.

Addies face lit up and reached out to him, "BEAR!! YOU FIN HIM!!" she announced excitedly.

Sam handed the stuffed toy to the preschooler, he offered her a smile, "Told you I would little mama." he announced, he was proud of himself for finding the toy.

Addie was hugging the toy to her chest, "Tank you Tam. Tank you." the small girl replied, a large gummy smile was spread out over her face.

"Where did you find it Sam?" Natasha asked him as she rubbed her thumb on Addie's cheek, she was happy to see the toddler so thrilled.

"I went to the stores, looked at every single one for it until I found it." he replied matter of factly.

Steve sighed Sam could be so sarcastic sometimes, "But how did you know which one?" he asked, "There are hundreds of stuffed bears out there, how did you know which one was the one she had?"

Sam took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, pulling up the picture, "I used this picture." he announced, he turned the phone to the pair to show them the picture.

The photo showed the auburn haired girl and a woman who Natasha assumed was her mother. The the woman had the same auburn curls as the toddler did and a darker green color eyes, light freckles decorated her face and arms. Natasha saw the same birthmark that Addie had on her arm; it was in the same place as well. The woman was wearing a cream colored romper with red roses on it, a bright smile on her face as she looked at the young girl in her arms. It was clear that the girl was younger than she was now; she still had a pacifier in her mouth while she hugged the teddy bear up to her chest. Natasha could see the love in the woman's eyes for her daughter.

"Where did you find that picture of Addie?" she asked, smiling a little at the picture.

Addie pointed at the picture, "Mommy." she announced quietly, she touched the woman's face on the screen, "Miss mommy."

Steve pressed his forehead against the girl's cheek in an effort to soothe her.

"It was on the news," he announced, "when they were circulating the pictures of her around before Pete told the cops we had her. I looked up the article and downloaded the picture when she started asking about her bear. I figured that was it so I started looking around for it. Bada bing bada boom, the kiddo has her bear and everyone is happy."atasha nodded, her lips were slightly pursed, "How did you find it, there has to be hundreds of toy stores in New York?" she asked him.

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