Chapter Five: I Didn't Mean to Kidnap Her....

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A few hours later, Sam walked into the living room and saw Addie wide awake in Peter's lap; the brunet's head was lolled to the side, his eyes closed as his messy waves fell haphazardly in his face. Soft snores were escaping the teenager as the toddler looked around the room. He laughed a little at the pair, Peter himself resembled a little kid when he was sound asleep, as much as he liked to tease the boy, he really liked the kid. He walked over to the couch when she started to attempt to get down from the brunet's lap.

She looked up at the African American, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of someone being able to pick her up, "Tam!" she announced loudly.

He grinned at her and crouched down in front of him, "Hey little mama," he greeted, "whatcha doin'?"

Addie put her finger up to her mouth showing him to be quiet, "Kiet Tam, Petur seep." she whispered semi-loudly.

He laughed at how mad she was at whispering, he grinned at her and nodded his head, "Ah," he replied, holding out the word slightly.

She looked at him and tilted her head to the side, blinking her eyes at him,"Tam..." she called.

He grinned at her, "Yes little mama?"

Addie giggled at him, "Hol me," she announced as she raised her arms up to him.

He grinned at her and carefully picked her up from Peter, "As you wish." he announced, she giggled a little, "We'll let Peter finish up his nap." he announced.

She nodded, "Otay."

Sam straightened his posture as he walked towards the lab to continue working on his suit; he listened to her babbling and little giggles, it made him smile. He really enjoyed having another little kid around the compound, it reminded him of his nephews. He walked by Yelena, the blonde bumped into him, looking up from the phone that was in her hand.

He turned to look at the green-eyed young woman, "Hey young Romanoff." he greeted.

Yelena scowled at him, "It's Belova, Sam Wilson." she corrected quickly.

He chuckled uncomfortably, the blonde wasn't too good with people, "Where are you off too?" he asked.

She pulled the hair tie out of her ponytail, "I'm getting a shower." she announced.

Addie leaned over towards Yelena, "Lena." she announced, smiling.

A small smile started to form on the woman's lips, "Ahhh you have Peter Parker's new pet." she announced, waving slightly at the toddler.

Sam blinked his eyes in response did she just call Addie a pet? He shook his head, "I have Addie, she's not his pet." he announced.

She shrugged, "He feeds and takes care of her doesn't he?"

He nodded.

"Then she's his pet." she replied matter of factly.

He sighed and chook his head, "Kids and pets aren't the same thing Yelena." he replied

She sighed, "Where is Peter Parker?" she asked, the last time she'd seen the brunet he'd been asleep on the couch while he held the girl.

"He's still on the couch." Sam replied.

"Petur seep" Addie whispered loudly as she move her finger up to her mouth again.

The blonde nodded, "Well I'm going to shower, be careful with the child." she announced, saying the last word with a hint of sarcasm.

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