CHAPTER TWELVE: Give Me Back My Spy!

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Nick Fury looked at the man who was seated across from him and the young preschooler that he rwas holding. Tony Stark looked, well he looked like shit, if he thought about it. He'd heard about a disheveled, sleep deprived billionaire when he purposefully stayed up for days on end, he'd even seen the pictures. But he'd never seen him look this bad. His hair was pointing out in different directions, his coffee mug held a permanent coffee stain around the rim of it, and there were dark circles under his eyes. His clothes were disheveled and the kid looked almost perfectly fine other than the whining God he hated kids. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in, crossing his arms over his chest as he contemplated letting the team suffer or giving in. The puffy-eyed toddler and the exhausted Tony Stark helped him make his decision.

He sighed, "I can't give you back the least not for right now. Not until Tuesday at the latest," he paused, "However I will get Romanoff here."

Tony sighed loudly, "Thank fucking God." he announced.

Fury rolled his eyes but stood up and pulled his phone out of his pocket, pressing the number three which was the speed dial number for the redheaded assassin.

The woman's annoyed voice crackled through the speaker."Yes Fury?" she answered, immediately picking up on the first ring, it was almost as if she'd been waiting for it to ring.

"Your presence is required back at the Avengers compound."

"Great, I will be there soon" she replied, and Nick swore he could hear her smiling.

He turned back to face Tony and the small child, who yawned widely; he saw a glimmer of hope spark in the billionaire's eyes when the toddler's eyes flickered shut, quickly dying when she opened them again. He watched Tony try his best to convince the small child to sleep for him; he was promising her anything and everything under the son if she'd just sleep for a few moments.

"Please...please go to sleep kiddie," he coaxed, rubbing her cheek with his thumb

The girl grumpily muttered to herself as she shook herself, "Not Tasha, Not Tebe...Not Petur."

Tony sighed, squeezing his eyes shut for a few moments,"I'll get you a pony.....all the chicken nuggets in the world....anything you want, I'm kinda desperate here tiny."

"No," she replied, shaking her head once again.

"I know..." he replied, his voice laced with exhaustion, "I know kiddie."

Fury smirked to himself, he was slightly amused by the sight of the begging billionaire, he decided to cut in, "Make the kid go to sleep..." he replied, her fussiness was getting on his last nerve and at the moment he wasn't against tranquing the kid to get her to sleep.

"It's not that easy Nick, if it was I wouldn't be begging you for my spy back," Tony replied tersely, as he rolled his eyes.

"Why not?" he asked.

Tony scoffed, clearly thinking he was an idiot, "Because she is a child...a toddler who is incredibly stubborn...I can't just knock her out or drug her. She's not a villain...or Steve," he replied, adding Steve to the end, knowing he'd been tempted to put the man out of his misery when the soldier got on one of his tangents.

Fury cut Tony a look, he was clearly not thrilled with the billionaire's analogy, "Just hand me the damn thing," he snapped.

The billionaire hesitated for a moment before shrugging, "Fine..." he remarked, he handed the girl over to him, she stared up at him with big, wet green eyes. Fury shifted uncomfortably in his seat before looking at Tony who was smirking at him, "Cpasicle doesn't like that type of language Nicholas," he replied, "but see if you can fix this, because you started this shi..." he cleared his throat and corrected himself, "situation..."

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