CHAPTER ELEVEN: Please Go to Sleep...

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Tony felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he growled in annoyance and yanked the device out of his phone; he read the screen saying "Damn Pirate" and quickly forwarded the call for the tenth time he was not dealing with this shit right now. He'd call him back in a few hours a few days his mind whispered in his ear. He grinned a little to himself at the idea, knowing it would piss off the man for being ignored. Dinner was going great, of course they'd gotten some looks when they'd walked in with Natasha holding a preschooler on her hip. Usually this restaurant only catered to adults, they'd managed to get Peter in on a few occasions, but that was about it. Tony had managed to pull a few strings to get what he wanted, he was Tony Stark after all and he always got what he wanted. It wasn't Addie's fault she was five, time was just not on her side at the moment. Throughout dinner, Natasha and Burce made sure Addie was well occupied, the small girl's contagious giggles were throughout parts of the restaurant, making some customers smile. After they finished dinner, the small girl ended up climbing out of her booster seat into Bruce's lap and occupied herself with his hands at the table. Tony picked up his phone quickly and took a picture of the scientist, who looked nervous on what he should do at the moment.

The scientist looked at the man who was smirking to himself, "What was that for Tonyy?" he asked, confusion etched on his face.

Tony let out an entertained laugh, "Nothing Brucey, just thought you looked cute with the kiddie." he replied.

The scientist shook his head in exasperation, he was too tired to focus on the man's antics. He moved his attention back to keeping Addie occupied, so they didn't disrupt the other customers. After dinner, everyone agreed to go on a short walk downtown; Natasha balanced the girl's weight on her hip while she walked behind the group. After twenty minutes, Addie's weight started to make her arms sore; but she wasn't going to tell anyone that. However, she wasn't as good at hiding things as she thought; Clint quickly noticed and slowed his steps to where he was walking in even pace with the redhead.

He touched her arm gently, "Hey Nat?" he called.

She turned her attention to him, "Yeah?"

He tilted her head to the side, "How about I take the little one, give you a break?" he replied.

She shook her head, "I'm fine Clint."

He replied, "Come on Nat, you know she's getting a little heavy.

She sighed, "You're right..." she replied quietly, "Thanks. Sweet girl, why don't you go with Clint okay?"

"Why?" she asked, leaning back slightly.

Clint held a hand out to brace the preschooler in case she fell back.

"Um-" Nat started, trying to figure out what to tell the girl.

Clint cut in for her, "Well, Nat needs a break, Her arms are getting sore." he replied,

Addie nodded, "Otay...." she replied, she held her arms out to the Archer, "Hol me Cint?" she asked.

He nodded, "You got it hummingbird." he replied, taking the girl from the redhead.

She looked toward Natasha, "Bedur Tasha?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

Natasha gave her a small smile, "Yes it is sweet girl."

Addie gave her a thumbs up and laid her head over on Clint's shoulder, she yawned widely and buried her face into the crook of his neck.

After about a half hour more of walking around the park, Tony had the driver come pick them up. Clint carefully climbed into the car, trying his best not to wake Addie up. After hearing her whine in disagreement to his attempt to move, he resulted in letting her stay in his arms. He knew from firsthand experience that waking up a sleeping preschooler was not a best idea, Nate was one that you didn't want to wake up unless absolutely necessary.

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