Chapter 49: Just Red: Danger

Start from the beginning

"I'll see what I can do, Chi." The singer said, and he could swear he saw his friend's eyes water.

"Let's talk about you now. How are you doing? How was the trip?" Chimon asked in a more uplifting tone. He rubbed his nose and sniffled. Nanon knew that the sudden change of subject was just a way to avoid the tears that he seemed to be holding for too long.

"You know how crappy it was. I already texted you about it while I was there." Nanon paused for a second and continued. "Look, we're not gonna lose him, Chi. I promise. We'll get him back, if our Ohmpieng is lot, we'll find him." The singer said firmly, ignoring his friend's question and reaching for his shoulder, just to pat him there a few times. "Our 2000 gang cannot afford to lose anyone."

"Non..." An overwhelmed Chimon looked away and gulped. He was really struggling to swallow that sob.

"Do you know if Ananda has contacted him lately?" Nanon asked tentatively as they sat down on a bench. He still remembered hoe frustrating was the occasion in which, while still in Japan, he told Chimon about Mark's cousin. His friend screamed through the phone and called him a bunch of names. Chimon was mad at him for keeping that secret to himself and hung up on him, but hours later, after he calmed down, he called Nanon back and tried to be more understanding of the whole situation.

"I don't think so. Perth would know, I mean, he's like Ohm's babysitter. When he's not working, or studying he never leaves his side. He would notice if that piece of shit tried to contact him." Chimon replied quietly. Nanon was glad that Chimon didn't start crying, because if he did, the singer was sure that he would do the same, and they would look like a pair of crying babies at the lobby of that gym center. Chimon was the oldest, and the strongest of the 2000 trio, he never cried. And somehow, Nanon was grateful for that.

"Ananda has been silent for a while. That's a good thing, right?"

"If the guy is dead, maybe." Chimon shrugged.

"You're the second person who mentions that."

"What? That the evil cousin might be dead? Who was the other genius?" Chimon snorted.


"Smart girl." Chimon smirked. "I would call that a miracle, you know? If the freak simply vanished."

"Do you know what happened between him and Ohm? I mean, Ananda must've blackmailed him too. When I told Ohm about the blackout challenge, he immediately knew who was the author behind it. But I didn't have the chance to hear from Ohm what he had to go through because of that man. I kicked him out of the car before he could come up with some stupid lie. All I know is that unlike me, he wasn't giving him money."

"Pawat refuses to talk about it. I don't think he even dared to open up to Perth." Chimon had a pensive look on his face. "But whatever it was, Ohm was able to handle it."

"Don't you think that he might've met Ananda after I went to Japan, and did something to him?" Nanon could tell that Chimon was thinking the same thing.

"Pawat is not a murderer." Chimon raised an eyebrow at him. "Mark's accident was not planned. We were just lucky. Fate was on our side. But I don't think Ohm would kill someone in cold blood, not even if this someone is The Evil cousin."

"I didn't say that." Nanon's eyes immediately sought the bracelet on his wrist again, and his fingers automatically rubbed against the silver chain. "But I know he would go to great lengths to keep me safe."

"Go and ask him then. He might have the answers you're looking for." Chimon told him at last, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, I should get going then." Nanon said as he pulled Chimon into a hug again and said his goodbyes. It took a while for him to let go of the older. It was like he borrowed some of Chimon's strength in order to go on that mission. When the singer finally let his friend go, they smiled at each other.

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