Chapter 48: Just Yellow: Caution

Start from the beginning

Seeing his mom soothed his heart a great deal. She always had that effect on him. Ning made him feel like his very existence was the reason for her happiness. He knew someone out there felt something similar for him, on a whole different level. However, accepting that kind of love from his mother was obviously less complicated. It had been a while since he was able to make someone happy, so Ning's welcoming bright smile made him warm inside. Japan was cold, mercilessly cold. And now that he was home, he could feel the iciness surrounding his soul slowly melting. It wasn't just the weather of his home country that accommodated him, or the affection of his family that consoled his heart. The fact that the Ohm was in that city somewhere, made him more connected to life. Nanon could almost hear the calling of his other half. His whole body tingled, and even his heartbeats danced to a faster rhythm. He yearned for him. Nanon's mouth was dry, but he knew his thirst wasn't for water. Something growled in his stomach, but he knew it wasn't a common hunger. He craved for the one who completed him. He yearned to see, touch, hear, smell and taste Ohm again. He wondered if the older actor would let him hear him, he wondered if apologies and forgiveness could make a difference between them.

As he started to unpack all the souvenirs he brought from Osaka, he organized in bags what he had bought for his relatives and what he had bought for his colleagues. There were gifts for everyone he knew, especially his close colleagues from GMMTV, Namtan, Arm, Gun, Janhae, Tay, New, Aof, his bestie Chimon, Perth...Nanon couldn't help sighing when he touched the package with Perth's name on it. He swiftly remembered the last time he heard his voice through the phone. That kid was the last person he talked to before he got on a plane to Japan. That conversation was full of warnings and revelations, but they never managed to wrap it up.



"No. It's Perth."

"Why do you have his phone? Where's he?"

"He left it in my car after I picked him up at a gas station. I plan to give it back to him tomorrow. You can call him then. And fix things, you know."

"Why don't you return his phone now? You two live in the same neighbourhood. This is important, Perth. I have to talk to him."

"Sorry. He's not home. He's at his parents' house. He asked me to drop him there after you left him in the middle of the road...That wasn't nice, Nanon."

Maybe Perth didn't mean to sound so judgemental, but Nanon didn't like his tone. He wasn't happy that Perth was the one his boyfriend called for help, when Ohm could've simply called Chimon. The latter understood their dynamic, and he wouldn't take Ohm's side right away, even when he should. Perth was another story.

"Kid, I don't have to explain myself to you. You have no idea what's going on between-"

"Maybe I do. Your lives are a complete mess right now. Let me see what's worse, the fact that Mark's cousin is in the picture, or the fact that P'Tha is totally against your relationship?"

Nanon's heart raced. "Ohm told you about all that?"

"Let's say it was a long drive to his parents' place."

"Did he tell you about what happened between him and Ananda? Or how did they meet?"

"He's met the guy? I thought you were the only one in contact with the Evil Cousin."

"You and I both." Nanon grimaced, as he wondered why Ohm never mentioned Mark's cousin to anyone. He dreaded what that fact could mean.

"Nanon, perhaps it would be better if you went to his parents' house yourself tomorrow, and listened to what he has to say for himself."

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