"Why aren't you?" I asked.

"Had training and came back kinda late, I just showered." He said.


"You look a little bit lost and have you been crying? Do you want me to get Sawyer?" Elliot asked concerned.

"No!" I replied quickly.

"No you don't want me to get Sawyer or no you're not lost?" He asked confused.

"I'm not lost and I haven't been crying and you don't need to inform Sawyer." 

"You going to the dining hall?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry."

"This is gonna sound rude but why are you in Sawyer's room?"

"I ran out of juice boxes and I texted Sawyer to get me some after dinner but he said there was some somewhere in his room." I lied.

"Oh, do you need help finding them?"

"Nah, all good. You can go to dinner."

"Ok? See you later." He said confused.

"Bye." I said as he exited the room.

Sawyer's POV

I feel like someone ripped my heart out and burned it into ashes. Juju broke my heart again. I seriously like this girl so much but every time I feel like we're getting close, she pushes me away and blocks me out. I've tried so hard to stop liking her but it just doesn't work. I'm walking to the dining hall with Juju but I think she realised she made me sad because she keeps calling out to me.

"Sawyer?" She asked as she followed me out the door.

I ignored her and continued walk out the tower.

"Sawyer please." She pleaded.

I sighed and didn't even turn around to look at her.

"What do you want Julianna?" I asked her annoyed and  upset.

"Nothing." She muttered, sadness and disappointed  in her voice.

I didn't hear from her again, we walked into the dining hall and instead of getting my food with her I walked off to collect my food and let her collect hers herself. I saw some of the guys around a table and I joined them. I looked around at the table and noticed Elliot wasn't there.

"Where's Williams?" I asked as I sat down next to Mason and Kyle. I generally sit next to Elliot and Juju but I didn't want to sit next to Juju and I don't know where Elliot is.

"He's having a shower." Mason told me.

"Do you want me to move down a seat so Jules can sit here?" Kyle asked.

"No." I quickly said.

"What happened?" Mason asked.

"What?" I said confused.

"You guys were like attached at the hip this whole week and now all of a sudden you don't walk in with her and you don't wanna sit next to her." John said.

"What do you mean I didn't walk in with her? She was right behind me." I said.

"No she wasn't." Mason said worried.


"Where do you think she is?" Mason said standing up from the table.

"She could be anywhere!" I said worried.

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