Chapter 33: Just a Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Getting wasted just for the kicks. We don't really need an excuse." Nanon replied, giving him a sympathetic look. He wasn't expecting for a stranger to share so much about his grief in such a blunt way, but he didn't mind it. The man's burdens made him think that somehow his own problems weren't that bad. "I'm sorry to hear about your demotion. But I'm sure things will work out somehow for you and your family."

"That's kind of you to say." The man smiled a little, and stared at the singer for a long second. "You seem to be a good kid. You have manners, and you do have a heart. You could easily tell me to get lost, but you took your time and had this little chat with me. It's not easy to find your kind these days. It was nice meeting you." The man declared and stood up too fast. He almost tripped on the leg of the table and fell down, but Nanon grabbed his arm firmly, and held onto him until he regained his balance.

"Oh, wow. I guess Korean beverages are the real deal, huh? I kinda underestimated the power of one of the best-selling liquors in the world." The man chuckled as he eyed Nanon's hands on his arm.

"Just let me put you in a cab, Phi. I'd hate to think you got lost in the middle of Seoul because I gave you too much to drink." Nanon stated, genuinely worried about the man. However, the latter simply snorted at his comment.

"I can take care of myself. There's no need for a cab. And I think this soju helped me remember my way back." The man gently removed Nanon's hands from him and gave him a reassuring look. "Can I get your number? Maybe I'll give you a call when I get to my hotel. Just to let you know I got back safe."

Nanon eyed the man with uncertainty, but still gave him his number. He didn't think the stranger was in any shape to roam around the streets of Seoul at that hour, but he was about to let him go, after all he already had a drunk friend to take care of. "You can text me if you get lost again. I'll get you an uber."

"Thank you, my young friend. I'll see you around. May your good deeds come back to you when you least expect it." The man winked at him playfully, adjusted his trench coat and walked away from the singer rather steadily, as if he had never lost control of his steps. "Have a safe flight back home, Nanon."

The singer frowned. He didn't know if he had too much alcohol that night. But suddenly he wasn't sure whether he had mentioned to the man in the beginning of their conversation that his name was Nanon, or Korapat, or both. He didn't think much of it though. As soon as the stranger was out of his sight, he hurried to wake up a passed out Chimon by his side and got them an uber.

Even before they got back to the hotel, Nanon kept checking his phone several times. He was expecting to receive a message from Ohm saying that he had already gotten home safe and sound, and that he regretted leaving earlier, and that they should forget about that 'break' because he was missing him already. But Nanon received no such a thing.

He only found out that Ohm was fine after seeing his boyfriend on Perth's IG story. Instead of jealousy, disappointment was what hit Nanon hard. He hadn't asked Ohm to stay away from Perth, but being in his house right after they had 'agreed' on taking a break from each other was a low blow. At least that was what Nanon thought. He immediately assumed that his boyfriend let Perth post that story on purpose, just to show him that he would not cave in, but he should. After dropping Chimon on the bed next to his, the same bed Ohm barely occupied the other night, Nanon sat on the floor with his phone in his hand and pondered the latest events one more time. The singer counted to ten, then ran a nervous hand through his hair, and took a deep breath. He could not give in either. That endurance challenge was much more than just a silly competition between lovers. They weren't Pat and Pran. He didn't have to be with Ohm or hear from him 24/7, even though the love he felt for him was similar to a powerful drug. He felt like he had to control his own addiction and refrain from relapsing too early. When he went to bed, and one more time, stared at the screen of his phone, which still displayed the image of his jetlagged lover beside 'Chimon's replacement', he couldn't help gritting his teeth. As a genuine fear of losing Ohm took over him, Nanon knew he had to make an urgent call.

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