Chapter 24: Just Distant

Start from the beginning

"No shit. Tell me the truth. Are you avoiding me on purpose?"

"I would never do that to you, Ohm." Nanon was shocked. How did his lover guess that? Was he being too obvious? "Look, the thing is, I also have to do some research, you know? Just like an actor who's getting ready to incorporate a new character, I must observe and absorb. I need to get in touch with this whole musical environment to bring forth the Nanon singer who's been quite dormant within me lately. I have the Thai Japan Iconic Festival this month, Cat expo 9 in November, and Big Mountain Music Festival in December. They are 3 big music festivals, with big stages, and huge crowds. I've never handled such a thing by myself before, and you won't be there to support me. It will be only me under the spotlights, and I can't disappoint my audience. Yes, I am at Octopop to have some fun, but I'm also here to learn from our other Phis by watching them perform. The truth is, I'm doing my best to focus solely on music right now, because I cannot allow myself to fuck up in front of hundreds of people, especially when most of them are my fans...Look, I've been in the studio for too long and I've been practicing nonstop, but being on a festival, is not the same thing. P'Bright can give me some tips, and-"

"Stop right there. You're overexplaining. Now I'm worried, Nanon. Chimon told me you're not sleeping again. Care to tell me what's really wrong with you?"

The singer swallowed, and became apprehensive now. Ohm was not easily deceived, and apparently, Chimon was not fully convinced that he was okay either. That's exactly what he feared. Those two could infallibly see through him. He needed to find a better excuse to convince his lover that he wasn't withholding.

"Alright. Insomnia comes and goes, okay? It's not a novelty. You are aware of that. At least my back is not giving me grief these days, so that's a win. Work has been overwhelming though. I'm stressed because I have to keep balancing the presence of the singer Nanon, and the actor Nanon more than usual. The filming of UMG series hasn't wrapped up yet, but we still have these stupid products to promote all the time. It's one event after the other, and being one of the top GMM'S 'salesman' gets fucking tiring at some point. I'm sure you can relate. And gosh! I haven't had a break during this whole year, and I can't believe we still have 2 fan meetings in different countries before 2022 is over. We've gotta learn how to sing in Korean, then in Mandarin...I know things are gonna get worse next year. There's Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan again, and probably some other fan meetings in God knows where. I get antsy because I worry about not being good enough for our fans. I need a goddamn vacation, and so do you. But then again, we might not get vacations at the same time, and that sucks. I miss you too, yet, I'm too exhausted to even admit that to you." Nanon said at once and took a deep breath, hoping to have covered all the possible reasons that could make him feel unwell, without bringing up the Mark Pakin issue .

"Bullshit. You're overexplaining again. This is not about the amount of events you have to attend. You're a pro, and you don't whine about stuff like that. You've always handled thousands of works at the same time. You love Fan Meetings. You even told me we should have more of them, in bigger venues, in other countries, even outside Asia. Being busy keeps you going. You yourself told me that an hectic schedule is the result of a good work. Everybody in this industry knows that. You're not an amateur. Don't lie to me. This is more personal, isn't it? What is it, Nanon? Still having problems at home? Is this about Nonnie?"

Nanon sighed exasperated. Was Ohm able to read his fucking mind now? When did that shit start happening?

"Okay...My sister is regularly visiting 'You Know Who' at the hospital. Mom already knows about her brief involvement with him, and she's just not giving her a hard time because Nonnie is already pretty down in the dumps. I'm concerned about my baby sister, you know? And I've been staying home with her as much as I can. I'm not avoiding you, I'm just trying to give my sister all the support and attention she needs now." The singer's answer was pretty short this time, and he knew that strategy would do the trick.

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