Chapter 19: Just Bad News

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"Why would P'Ohm go to jail? Is he going to hurt P'Mark?" She asked in an anxious tone.

Nanon and Chimon exchanged tense looks, but they didn't answer her. She was about to say something else when Perth entered the room looking quite disconcerted. The trio quickly approached him and asked about the others.

"Ohm dropped his brother home, brought me back here, and he's now outside waiting for you." Perth told Nanon, and the singer didn't even want to know what had happened, he simply ran out of the house to meet his boyfriend. Chimon was about to go after him but Perth pulled him back. "Let them talk."

When Nanon noticed Ohm's car parked on the driveway he practically flew in its direction, and when he finally opened the door, he couldn't help throwing himself at Ohm's arms.

"Ohm, you're back! Gosh, I'm so glad you're here. How could you leave me? I thought I'd never see you again. I love you so much. I love you, Ohm." Nanon exclaimed excitedly as he spread kisses all over his boyfriend's face and hugged him tightly.

"Non, wait. Calm down. We have to talk." Ohm's serious tone almost shunned away the relief washing over the singer.

"Why? What happened?" Nanon chewed on his lower lip as he unwillingly let go of Ohm and stared into his worn out eyes.

"There's been an accident." Ohm said softly.

"Where? What do you mean?" Nanon asked impatiently. Ohm took a deep breath and his eyes watered.

"I caused it." He confessed, as he ran a nervous hand through his hair.

"Is Mark dead?" An anxious Nanon asked as he reached for his hand, but Ohm brushed it away.

"Perth wanted to drive, but I didn't let him. He complained I was driving too fast, but I didn't listen to him. Thai was in the backseat, and he kept saying we were going to lose the fucker if we got trapped in traffic. So I sped up. Mark was driving like a blind crazy fuck. He made this turn on a less busy street and when my car caught up to his, he hit a lamppost."

"Is that it? So what? You didn't even hit his car. You didn't cause the accident, he-"

"I was chasing his car, Nanon! And when he hit the lamppost Perth told me to pull over, so we could check on him, and call an ambulance, but I didn't stop! I drove away even after we heard the explosion. We left him for dead." Ohm declared with a tinge of guilt in his voice. "I might've killed a man tonight."

Nanon frowned and swallowed. He didn't expect that. He didn't expect Ohm to feel so guilty for seeking justice for them. He thought he would feel avenged, just like he was feeling at that moment.

"I don't know about you, but I do hope he's dead." Nanon whispered carelessly.

"So do I. But if he's really dead, that makes me a murderer, right? Would you be okay dating a murderer?!" The older actor exclaimed with a conflicted expression plastered on his face. Nanon hated to see him like that.

"Ohm, listen to me. I sprayed Mark's eyes with some hairspray I found in Perth's bathroom. His sight was compromised even before he jumped from that fucking window and got into that car. If he hit that lamppost was because he had difficulty seeing it in front of him. You don't have to blame yourself for-"

"Should I blame you then?! Or perhaps Chimon for keeping me in the dark? For letting things come to this point?! Do you have any idea of what I felt when you told me what was going on? How could you and Mon deny me a little bit, just a little bit, of honesty all this fucking time!? And what the fuck was I supposed to do once you revealed the atrocities Pakin has been doing?! Do you think I'd let him keep doing that shit to you? Do you really think I would let him touch you just to keep him quiet about the pictures or the video? I'd rather let the whole world see you naked in those images, than let that man have his way with you!" Ohm snapped and punched the driving wheel a few times. "Goddammit! How could I let all that shit happen right under my nose!" He cursed and shook his head in frustration.

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