Chapter 4: Just Sick

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"Yeah. I'm following." Nanon swallowed.

"The thing is, I know they are dating now. And that's why they are being extra careful by staying away from each other whenever there's people around. But the funny part of this love story is that people will actually think that there's something wrong between them, especially because they are pretending too hard to be just friends. Do you feel me?" Chimon gave the singer a knowing look.

"Hum." Nanon's eyes became moist suddenly as he nodded his head.

"So, I want you to tell me what I should do to help these friends. I love both of them like my own brothers and I'm trying to find a way to express how much I am happy for their breakthrough, and how much I support their relationship. I don't mean to force any of them to come out to me, you see, I just want them to know that nothing changed between us, and I still would die for both of them, just like one of them said they would do for me. I am still loyal to our 2000 gang whether these two are hiding things from me or not." Chimon finished his speech, as a crying Nanon nodded at him repetitively. The older shook his head and patted the singer's back in a comforting manner. "No need to cry. What can I do, Non?"

Nanon pulled him into a hug and cried on his shoulder. "Meung, these guys are blessed to have you as a friend... Thank you."

Chimon hugged him back, lifting him off the ground briefly before ruffling his hair. He smiled at how quickly Nanon's mood shifted and how expressive he could be even without saying a word. First, the singer was elated when he was brought to that corner of the bar, soon Chimon saw panic in his eyes when he started talking about the advice he needed, and a glimpse of fear also flickered in those alarmed orbs at some point, but when Chimon finished his speech, relief and gratitude embellished his face. Then all those emotions dissolved through the tears he uncontrollably shed. Chimon admired Nanon's expressiveness and he always believed that that special feature of his friend was what made him an exceptional actor. The singer had a lot of talent in him, no doubt, and he used it in his daily routine too, whenever he was around certain people, and dealing with certain situations. His celebrity status rarely allowed Nanon to be fully himself in front of other people, yet, that friend of his would always be able to see through him, and find the real Nanon behind the impeccable masks he would put on. Chimon just hoped that Ohm and Nanon could rely on him whenever they needed. He was the oldest among them and he felt like he was responsible for the maintenance of that 2000 gang.

"Get a hold of yourself, man. Look at you, what a crying mess. I just asked for your advice." An animated Chimon informed the singer, who just chuckled against his chest, and tried to cease his sobs.

"Give them some time, they'll come around for sure. Perhaps, after some stupid party both of them will open up to you." Nanon muttered and hugged him tighter. Chimon kissed his head and pulled the younger away from him.

"Thanks for the advice, my friend. Now before you get back there, wipe those tears, will you? Otherwise Ohm will think that I am bullying you, and I have no strength to face that muscled man's wrath." Chimon said and both of them laughed out loud. The singer wished that there were more people like Chimon Wachirawit in the world that those like Mark Pakin. He was sure the planet would be a better place with open-minded human beings in it. Nanon wiped his tears with the sleeve of the black turtleneck shirt he was wearing, and the very touch of the expensive fabric reminded him that such a stuffy outfit didn't belong to him.

"Do you think people noticed that I'm wearing his clothes?"

"Well, I noticed it, of course. So what? It's not like it never happened before. Turtlenecks are great to hide hickeys, by the way." Chimon grinned, and the singer shook his head.

"What are you? A mind reader?" Nanon asked suddenly, and only when Chimon started giggling he realized that he had just confirmed the fact that Ohm and he were having some private fun earlier.

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