CHAPTER 2 - Just Boyfriends

Começar do início

"The fuck you think you're doing? Don't you dare posting this on IG or whatever social-"

"Relax!" A snickering Mark cut the singer off and dismissed the apprehension on his features. "It's just a normal day in the lives of the husbands Ohm and Nanon. Everybody already thinks you guys are practically married. I'm sure Bad Buddy The Series will get more likes after this. Think about it, your fans will treasure even more the scene Pran visited Pat in the hospital after he got shot. It's like life imitating art. Seriously, you guys are too good at what you do." He snorted, but the pair was not letting him get away with it.

"Stop horsing around, Mark. I'm telling you right now to delete this goddamn video." Nanon sounded too serious as he towered over Mark, and the latter couldn't help getting suspicious.

"Why?" He frowned, as he glanced at Ohm.

"It's not for show, it's private. We're already constantly followed by cameras 24/7 when we're in public spaces, the last thing we need is being monitored by our friends' cameras too." Ohm answered that question for him. If he wasn't tied to the IV drip beside his bed he would've already gotten up from the bed and put a distance between Nanon and Mark. His boyfriend looked too stern, almost ready for a fistfight, his austere body language was giving him completely away, and that was a bad sign. Nanon wasn't being the usual sensible and self-controlled Nanon.

Ohm knew his lover hadn't been able to sleep for two days, and that his concern for his health was clearly affecting his emotional stability. Nonnie had mentioned it to him during a call. Nanon's sister kept Ohm updated about her brother's condition after their Fanmeeting. Apparently, Nanon wasn't just tired, he blamed himself for letting Ohm ignore his body limits and get sick like that. Ohm was thankful for Nonnie's texts, but he abhorred the fact that he was the cause of his boyfriend's stress.

Nanon was on the edge, no masks, no acting. He was just being the raw and unshielded Nanon in that hospital room. Ohm knew that much. Mark wasn't an idiot either, he would soon realize that something was definitely different in their dynamics. Nanon was never so defensive and easily offended.

"Okay. I won't post it. To be honest, I was just teasing you both. But since when have you guys become so sensitive? You do realize that your shippers repost all your 'OhmNanon moments' on social media religiously, right?" The frown on Mark's brows was still there, as he held his cell phone in front of the singer. Ohm sighed in frustration as he watched Nanon yank Mark's cell phone from his hand. His boyfriend had completely lost his sensibleness.

"You know, what? I'll delete it myself." An annoyed Nanon stated as he scrolled down the other's phone.

"Non, what the heck?" A flabbergasted Mark exclaimed in shock as he moved to take the phone from the singer's hand, but Nanon didn't let him.

"Nanon, give it back." Ohm said in a rare authoritative voice and his boyfriend just made a face at him. Mark was astonished.

"Done." Nanon finished his task before he gave the cell phone back to Mark and glared at him. "Now leave."

Mark was agape, and so was Ohm. Before any of them could say anything else, Ohm's parents entered the room, and whatever issue they were going to address right there had to be postponed. Mark and Nanon ended up leaving the hospital without clarifying what had really taken place in that room, but later that day Ohm gave his boyfriend a call.

"Are they letting you go already?"

"Non, you know I have to stay in the hospital for a few more days. We have that AIS 5G event tomorrow, but as soon as we are done there I have to come back here to finish the treatment." Ohm explained it to him calmly.

Just The 2 Of UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora