Chapter 1: Chance Encounter

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The quaint bookstore bustled with the soft rustling of pages and the comforting scent of aged paper. Y/N, a college student on the East Coast of the United States, found solace amid her spring semester chaos as she worked part-time amidst the shelves lined with literary treasures. Y/N has been working as a cashier at this bookstore for a few months now; she began working to keep up with the cost of college. 

The soft chime of the door echoed through the bookstore, drawing the attention of both regular customers and employees alike. At the entrance of the bookstore revealed two new customers, a middle-aged couple. A hushed buzz fluttered through the air as Lupita, Y/N's coworker with a liking for celebrity gossip instinctively lifted her eyes from the arrangement of books before her. In a whisper, Lupita leaned towards Y/N and divulged, "You won't believe who they are, Y/N. That's Shim Hye Jin, the famous actor renowned for her captivating performances that have graced screens worldwide, and Yoon Sang, the accomplished producer whose creative prowess has shaped the very fabric of the entertainment industry." The revelation hung in the air, casting a cinematic glow on the middle-aged couple who, despite their fame, exuded an unexpected sense of approachability.

Y/N's eyes widened as she discreetly observed the couple. The realization struck her like a chord as Lupita continued, "They're Anton Lee's parents. You know, from that K-pop group called Riize." Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She had recently become enamored with Riize after stumbling upon their hit song "Talk Saxy." The prospect of meeting Anton's parents felt like a surreal twist of fate. Y/N's eyes followed as the couple browsed the shelves, selecting cookbooks and self-help books. Y/N's curiosity began bubbling in her stomach, she sneaked around the cashier counter and approached Anton's parents. 

Lupita was busy with another customer, leaving Y/N alone with the famous pair. Summoning her courage, she ventured, "Excuse me, are you... Anton's parents?" The question amazed the couple. They looked genuinely surprised that someone from America recognized Riize. Shim Hye Jin's warm smile confirmed their identity. 

"Yes, we are his parents. We didn't expect anyone here to recognize us and our son. You got a good eye!" Shim Hye Jin complimented Y/N. She nervously shook both of her hands and chuckled. 

"Ah, haha, actually my coworker Lupita recognized you guys. It clicked when she mentioned you guys. I am a really big fan of Riize," Y/N admitted. Shim Hye Jin and Yoon Sang turned to each other with giddiness and excitement. 

"Where did you discover Riize? Who's your favorite member?" Yoon Sang asked. 

"I discovered Riize through TikTok and got hooked on 'Talk Saxy.' I fell in love with their music and the group through variety shows and YouTube," Y/N confessed, her excitement palpable. She admitted to Sohee being her favorite, though Anton held a special place in her heart too. Shim Hye Jin and Yoon Sang found Y/N's genuine enthusiasm endearing. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and as they left, they promised to share their encounter with Anton. True to their word, they let Anton hear about their encounter with Y/N. A text from Anton soon followed, he texted his parents "Aww, that's nice :)" expressing his gratitude.

Days passed, and Y/N found herself engrossed in the routine of her work. Business slowed, and she decided to infuse the quiet space with the sounds of Riize's "Memories" through the speakers. Like magic, Shim Hye Jin and Yoon Sang returned, this time on a mission for office supplies.

As Y/N assisted them, Shim Hye Jin shared their intent to start a personal journal for better mental health. Inquisitive, she asked Y/N about her goals for the year. Y/N, in turn, expressed her desire for an internship and a yearning to leave the country for a while. However, she expressed the unlikelihood of that happening due to financial challenges and the difficulty of landing an internship. Yoon Sang, eavesdropping while browsing through staplers and erasers, whispered to his wife about a recent internship opportunity in Korea. Specifically, in the K-pop industry. Excitement sparked in their eyes as they encouraged Y/N to apply. Promising to put in a good word, they extended an offer that felt like a dream – covering housing and airfare, acknowledging Y/N's financial constraints.

Yoon Sang pulled out his phone and texted a friend who works at SM Entertainment. "What is your phone number? I will text you the job application and the process."

She types in her number with a joyful smile. Her hands felt heavy in excitement. 

"Great, I will contact you with all the information you need to apply. Oh, by the way, I believe this is an internship that works with Riize, so if you meet him, tell him I said hi. Also, I will put in a good word in for you, and this will be a summer internship most likely," Yoon Sang informs. 

As the couple left the bookstore with genuine smiles, Y/N couldn't shake off the sense that this encounter might be the unexpected turn she had been waiting for, the melody that would harmonize her life with the extraordinary world of Riize.

Weeks turned into a whirlwind as Y/N diligently compiled her application for the internship Yoon Sang had generously offered. Armed with Lupita's well-intentioned tips on crafting a standout cover letter, Y/N poured her passion for the K-pop industry and admiration for Riize into her application. She did not inform anyone else besides Lupita that she was applying for this internship because she still had low hopes of landing an internship. Soon enough, she found herself pressing 'submit' on the online application portal.

In the following weeks, anticipation hung thick in the air as Y/N anxiously awaited a response. Then, like a burst of confetti, Yoon Sang's congratulatory message arrived in her inbox. The mere sight of the words "Congratulations! You've landed the internship!" set her heart aflutter. Yoon Sang, meticulous in his planning, even shared evidence of her booked flight, effectively dispelling any lingering worries about the legitimacy of the opportunity. With the realization that her dreams were materializing, Y/N received an email containing details about her temporary abode for the summer. Yoon Sang, with generosity, had arranged a place for her to stay during the internship. The address glowed on her screen, a promise of the adventure that awaited.

A few months later, as the day of departure approached, Y/N found herself at the airport, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling within her. Yoon Sang had not only taken care of her flight but also arranged for someone to pick her up upon arrival. The sweet care with which he orchestrated these details eased any lingering anxieties, reaffirming that this journey was indeed real.

Seated during a layover, Y/N eagerly examined her job description as a Management and Administration intern. She would be diving into the intricate workings of Riize's behind-the-scenes magic, assisting with scheduling, managing logistics, and working closely with Riize's manager. The prospect of contributing to the success of her favorite K-pop group filled her with a sense of purpose and excitement.

The hum of the airport, the flicker of departure boards, and the distant sound of announcements fueled Y/N's anticipation. She could hardly contain her eagerness to meet the members of Riize and immerse herself in the bustling world of K-pop. As the airplane engines roared to life, she gazed out of the window, ready to embark on a journey that would not only shape her career but also weave her story into the tapestry of Riize's captivating melody.


Author's note: hi everyone, this is my first story so sorry if it is mid. lol. the first couple of chapters are just to start it up, I have a feeling that the story will be quite long, maybe a slow burn. idk. we will get to the romance soon dw. well, we will see. so yeah, if that's not your cup of tea, sorry. I'll try to make it interesting teehee

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