Luckily, Nia didn't seem to notice that and just looked on towards the town.

"Well then... Let's go to my old Akiba." Then, she began to walk while rolling her suitcase behind.

"I'll take that. It must be hard to keep carrying that by yourself."

"Ah, really? Yah~ boy really is a gentleman~"

Then Nia made a *tsun-tsun* sound and poked at his hand. Lucas smiled as he took the suitcase from her.

Somehow, he didn't feel too annoyed by Nia anymore. Was it because he too has matured over the years? Well, at the very least, it would make Lucas more likable that way too.

Nia opened and closed her now empty hands.

"Heh? My hands are empty now. What should I do? If only there was someone's hand I could hold instead."

"...Want to hold hands then?" Lucas said blankly, holding out his hand. For some reason, Nia hunched her shoulders over and averted her gaze when he said that.

"Eeh, suddenly doing that on our first date is a bit..."

"Aren't you the one who said it first!?"

Lucas replied back to her with his usual reaction. Nia laughed while holding her stomach.

"No~ hahaha, I'm just joking, joking."

And so they held hands. Since Nia didn't have any gloves on, Lucas could feel the coldness of her hand.

"Well, let's go."


Nia pulled Lucas away as they began walking together alongside the suitcase being rolled behind them.

A high-pitched voice could suddenly be heard coming from Lucas's intercom.

"Wait! Lucas! You can't just let the girl lead you around!"

"Even if you say that..."

Lucas kept walking with a slightly bothered expression when Nia suddenly stopped walking as they entered a new street.

After that, Nia let go of Lucas' hand and started running forward. Once she was directly in the center of the area, she took in a deep breath.

"Nng~! It's been such a long time~ Akiba! I'm back!"

After saying that, Nia began looking around.

"As expected, there's so much that's changed since I was last here~! How fresh and exciting!"

"Shouldn't you already know about all the changes from Raziel?" Lucas asked her while rolling the suitcase. Nia replied with a small voice.

"No, I don't want to use Raziel unless it's for something really important."

"Is that so? Why is that?"


Nia seemed to hesitate at Lucas' question for some reason.

However, as usual, her typical mood swung back in full force, placed a hand on her hip and then went *tch-tch-tch* while swinging her finger side to side.

"Didn't I already tell you? I hate spoilers. Besides, there's a big difference between knowing things through Raziel and seeing and hearing the real things myself."

"I guess that's true..."

"That's it---Well then, let's go start with book shopping as we planned..." Then, Nia stopped, as if she suddenly remembered something.

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