The Lake

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I slowly unlatched the handle pulling the window up. "Heyy Y/N!..Oh, no.."Gustav smiled, his smile quietly turning into a frown. I began to cry even more that they had to see me like this. "Hey No, No it's okay." Georg reassured, scooting closer to the end of the branch making his way into the window Gustav carefully following. Georg pulled me into a reassuring hug. My sobs began to grow heavier but quieter. I really needed that hug. "No tears." Georg gave me a big squeezed, pulling away his hands on both sides of my shoulders. "What happened?" "I'm sorry.." I mumbled, "Hey, No need to be sorry." He pat my shoulder. I wiped away my tears quickly sniffling. Gustav grabbed a tissue from my tissue box on my desk. "Thanks" I laughed, a airy laugh. Gustav nodded a light smile plastering on his face.

"My mom and I..." I began, my chest growing tighter at the scene replaying in my head. "It didn't go so well." Georg continued, "Yeah..we've never fought like this before." Georgs face softened, "Here, why don't you have a sit on your bed and Georg and I will sit right here and you tell us what happened." Gustav added, I nodded sitting on the cushioned bed. Georg and Gustav sat on the fluffy light pink rug. "Well.." I began to explain the whole story, beginning to end. Georg and Gustav listened patiently and quietly. "And then that's when you guys came." "We're sorry that happened Y/N." Gustav said, walking next to my bed giving me a quick tight hug. "Thank you Gustav, don't worry about it." "I'm sure your mom didn't mean it." Georg explained, "I hope not." "Trust me Y/N, she's not." "Yeah, like how your mom totally wasn't mad when you almost lit the kitchen on fire?" Gustav questioned, Georg and Gustav stood up. "Just shut up man, my food caught on fire because of how intense and delicious the flavors were." "NAH not really, your mom yelled at you because you left the stove on."

Georg quickly covered Gustavs mouth with his hand. "What I'm trying to say Y/N is that.."
"It's best that you told her how you felt and made your feelings known." Georg told me, "Wow who's this talking to me right now, Oprah?" I sat in shock, "Right? I've bever seen Georg so sappy before." Gustav agreed, removing Georg's hand from his mouth Me and Gustav laughed. Georg's face going from soft to annoyed quickly. "I'm kidding Georg, you're right." I got off my bed hugging Georg. "Thank you." I smiled, "Anytime Y/N, you're like the little sister I never had." "I'll always be here for you." Gustav joined the hug shortly.

"Wait..." I pulled away, "What do I smell?" Gustav wondered, smelling himself. "Yep." Georg answered instantly, "Most importantly how did you two get up the tree?" "Climbing...lots of climbing..." Gustav answered, Georg nodding. "And a lot of Gustav complaining." Georg added, "I FELL OUT THE TREE TWICE!" Gustav yelled, "SSHHH, Y/N's mom will hear us idiot!" Georg hushed Gustav, "We thought about how nervous you looked on the way home. So Gustav and I decided to come check up on you." I pulled them both into another hug. "You guys are the best." "We are aren't we?" Gustav replied, Georg smacking his head. "Did you eat?" Georg asked, "No not yet." "How about we take you to get something to eat real quick?" Gustav offered, I nodded. "That would be nice, but what about my mom? If she sees I'm gone.." I trailed off, "Don't worry she won't. "How is that?"

"You really think this is gonna work?" I asked covering my stifled laughs with my hand, as Gustav put pillows under my blanket covering them up. "Yup, it will look like you went to bed early." "I see." "Don't worry if we get headed now we should be back by 5." Georg affirmed, I nodded. We all slowly made our way out the window climbing onto the tree branch slowly climbing our way down. Georg led as Gustav and I followed. We all made our way to Georgs red Volkswagen Phaeton climbing into the car. "So what do you guys feel like eating?" Georg started the car, "How about...McDonald's?" "Ooh that sounds pretty good right now, I agree with Y/N." "Why not? Mcdonalds it is." I smiled. Georg and Gustav were awesome friends. They were always there when I needed them, always. I loved them for that. Georg turned on the radio rolling down the windows. The wind blowing through our hair. The sun was getting ready to set soon. It was beautiful. We pulled up to the drive in. "Hi, thank you for choosing McDonald's! what can I get you?" The grainy speaker spoke, "Hi, I will have a big Mac and a diet coke." "Big Mac and a diet coke." The speaker typed on the screen infront of them, "What do you want?"

Georg turned to Gustav, "A Big Mac and a medium fry." Gustav whispered to Georg, "A Big Mac and a medium fry." Georg repeated to the woman, "Got you.." she responded, "What would you like Y/N? Georg turned to me, "Uh...I'll go with a 10-price nugget, a medium fry, and a sprite!" "Got you! Will that be all for today?" "Yes." Georg answered, "All right, your total will be 18.47. Please pull up to the next window." "Thank you" Georg responded, pulling up to the next window. "$18.47, please!" the cashier smiled, Georg reached in his pocket pulling out his brown leather back wallet he had been given from his grandmother on his 14th Birthday. He counted his money handing the cashier his $18 and 47 cents. The cashier handed Georg our meals. "Thank you, have a great day." She smiled," You too." He smirked, pulling away. "How about we stop at the lake to eat?" "That'd be awesome!" Gustav replied, "The Lake?..." I questioned, what lake? "We'll show you."

We arrived at a little forest green pine trees and willow trees surrounding the area a light green grass covering the grounds. Georg and Gustav grabbed their food getting out the car. I followed with my food in hand feeling the warm heat go into my right hand as the coldness of my sprite in my left burned. "Look down, there are a lot of stones." Gustav warned, as he looked down. I began to look down stepping over stones of various sizes. We walked for about a minute or 2 in silence, with the comforting noise of shoes crushing with the gravel and grass underneath us. Georg walked ahead of the both of us a weeping willow covering the sunlight infront of us, leading us to a dead end. Georg turned to look at Gustav and I grinning before pulling the side of the willow letting a ray of sunlight in. "Ladies first." He chuckled, I walked through the willow, Gustav following me. Georg walked in as the Willows long mossy strands closed back together. It was Gorgeous.

Trees surrounded us their branches hanging low showing off their dark green leaves. The Lake sparkled the sun reflecting off of it into my eyes. It was Bright yet Beautiful. The sky above us began to split into many shades. Shades of Pinks,Yellows, and purples.
My mouth gaped open. "Gustav and I found out about this place when we were 12." Georg said, "It's Beautiful." I smiled, a cool breeze passing by. We stood in silence for a moment taking in the scenery around us. "I'm starvin let's eat." Gustav announced, walking down by the Lake sitting down on the little bits of gravel. I chuckled as Georg rolled his eyes. "Thanks Georg."
"For what, Y/N?" "Everything."

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