Chapter 10

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Dante POV

It had been a week since Y/n and Nero finally met. They had been hanging out quite and have been getting along really well. Me on the other hand? I've been shooting shots with Glynda and I'm pretty sure she wants me. She's just playing hard to get. I was currently watching a match between a girl named Penny against a girl named Pyrrha with Y/n and Nero sat next to me. The announcer began counting down the match while the platform they stood on lifted up into the air. Once their match started something felt off about it, like something was gonna happen, but I shrugged the feeling off and watched the match and the Pyrrha girl was a really good fighter.

Dante: Damn that Pyrrha is a good fighter.

Nero: It's impressive to say the least. I've heard she's a world renowned fighter so I'd be surprised if she lost this match.

We watched the match play on and she seemed to be distracted so she's mostly holding back. As the match continued on the Penny girl seemed to begin getting the upper hand in the fight until Pyrrha suddenly started walking backwards away from her as Penny raised her five swords until Pyrrha unleashed a powerful shockwave of her semblance sending the swords flying around Penny before yanking backwards, cutting her into small pieces putting the crowd in silence out of sadness and fear. Y/n, Nero and I just watch completely lost for words until someone began to speak on the intercom. I couldn't be fucked listening to their villain monologue so I ignored it but I could feel the large presence of Grimm approach. Once the boring monologue ended a loud siren sounded throughout the entire arena causing many people to flee. Suddenly a Nevermore flew onto the stadium and began pecking at the safety barrier trying to break through.

Nero: A Nevermore?!

Coco: How'd it get past the kingdoms defenses?!

Y/n: It wasn't alone.

The bird continues to peck at the safety barrier while Pyrrha is paralyzed with sadness and shock from the girl. I look at the remaining students that were in the arena and saw the only people who actually had their weapons were me, Y/n and Nero.

Dante: Why does no one ever come prepared?

The bird continued to peck at the barrier until it finally broke. It dived down toward Pyrrha so I quickly activate my SDT and fly at the Nevermore. I stab it in the head with my devil sword before landing on the ground infront of Pyrrha still in my SDT form. The bird was surprisingly still alive so I charge at it with my devil sword, cutting off its wings before slicing its head clean off.

Pyrrha: Dante?

I deactivate my SDT and look back at Pyrrha who was on her knees in tears at what happened to Penny. Ruby and the others come down from the stands and walk up to us. Everyone calls their lockers to them while Ruby talks to Pyrrha. I hear roaring from the top of the stadium and when I look I see a lot of Griffons flying down toward us.

Dante: Hey, nice little chat 'n all, but we've got incoming!

Everyone looks at the incoming Griffons and quickly take their weapons and stand ready. Suddenly a final locker falls down revealing a red and black object inside. Ruby runs up to it but  a Griffon lands on it and was about to attack her but just as I was about to take out Ebony and Ivory someone shot the Griffon causing it to fly off the locker. I look and see Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck.

Port: Everyone, I believe it's time for you to leave.

Ruby: But we can-

Oobleck: Ms. Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnants history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it. Dante will assist you all in leaving.

Ruby nods before grabbing the object from her locker and unfolded it turning it into a scythe. We all run to the tunnels that lead out of the arena while Port and Oobleck hold off the Griffons. We finally exit the tunnels to see Ironwood about to get on a dropship but we run up to him.

Ruby: What's going on?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse some... vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command the skies are out of our control. So I'm-

He was cut off by a Grimm coming up from behind everyone so I quickly spin around and gun it down with Ebony and Ivory, killing the thing within seconds. I holster my pistols and face Ironwood again gesturing for him to continue.

Ironwood: -going to take it back.

Nero: What should we do?

Ironwood: You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school, or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave. *to his men* Let's move out!

He walks to his ship and boards it before it took off into the sky. Everyone was silent trying to figure out what we were going to do but I activated my Sin Devil Trigger and faced the group.

Dante: Y/n and Nero will assist you all in protecting Beacon. I'll help whoever's in Vale. Best of luck to everyone.

With that I fly off toward the city hoping I can help everyone that's there.


As Dante flies away everyone was still silent trying to figure out what they wanted to do until Lady spoke up.

Lady: Alright, you heard Dante. We head to Beacon, defend it for as long as possible and if we can't there will most likely be an safe zone in Vale we could get to.

Y/n: Couldn't have said it any better. You heard Lady!

We all begin walking to a nearby airship that was scheduled to fly to Beacon. Everyone boards the airship while I activate my SDT and fly along side the airship. The ship began to fly away from the arena and toward Beacon until Ironwoods ship suddenly explodes and begins plummeting down to the city. I saw Dante, in his SDT form, catch the ship and fly down to Vale with it in hand. I notice the ship was too slow so I just groan before fly down to the school. I land causing a massive shockwave to blast surrounding White Fang member and Atlas robots away before I notice Blake and Weiss on the ground from the shockwave so I help them up. I then notice an alpha Beowolf and an Atlas Paladin both attacking innocents trying to flee the courtyard. 

Blake & Weiss: Y/n!

Y/n: Blake, you and I will take care of the alpha. Weiss, you take care of the Paladin. 

They both nod before Blake and I run to where the Beowolf was last seen. We arrive at the cafeteria which was in flames before I see the Beowolf so I quickly Judgement Cut it causing it to fall into hundreds of tiny pieces. The ground began to shake violently, I look in the direction of Mountain Glenn and see a massive Dragon Grimm errupt from the mountain behind it and begin flying toward the school.

Y/n: Blake, you stay here and help anyone trapped in the cafeteria.

She nods before I take off toward the tower. While I fly in the air I see Pyrrha walking toward Ozpin who stood just outside of the tower so I dive down next to her before deactivating my SDT. Jaune came up next to us before we met with Ozpin and walked to an elevator before it began lowering itself into the basement of the tower. My only hope is that we can stop this attack before anyone else has to die.

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