Chapter 56

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Hello babes, thank you for bearing with me with the slow updates, I don' fell well mentally or emotionally, it is getting very lame that I am always just a Borderline depressed person, yet the pain is never used to, anyways, 

I hope you enjoy the chapter, It will be FILLED.

I love reading your comments too❤Please don't forget to vote

Stick till the end for a cute sangi picture 🥴😉😉


^Red Moon^

The head alpha was doing everything in his power, to try and march on wonderland earlier than planned, He is currently on working on finding out who is the heir that is threatening his era, 

He is so close,
So close to march on Wonderland,
Close to the point that officers were scattered around the borders and through the way to Wonderland, waiting for a sign.

a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, he informed his officer to let whoever that is out, in, to his surprise, he did not except someone from Wonderland,

The said person bowed, with the guard next to him,  
"Your highness, this is an officer in Wonderland's army, he said that he has news to bring to us, about The heir-"
the officer was cut mid sentience, by the king  standing up in shock, eyeing the officer up an down, with strict caution, the said officer was stressed to say the less, yet, he kept his gaze down, waiting for permission to speak, 

"What do you mean, by knowing information about the heir, who else there knows that he is alive?"  

the alpha was gritting his teeth while speaking, right next to his ear. 

" Your majesty, I know him personally, I mean I have worked with him, till he was bashed due to interfering with the royalties affairs."

" And you think that you walking in here, saying this, will make us believe you huh?"

" I understand your majesty, I am not here to play games,  We may have a common ground that we can work together on, I hate him as much as you hate him too, maybe even more, I can tell you how to get him, where he is, but please don't except me to share info about my pack, or help you win the war, as I am loyal to it's affairs, yet I would love to have the Choi's head as much as you do, and I can only help with this, the rest will be up to your power and strength, even if you did not win the war, which will be good for us, at least you would have killed him, sounds fair? "

the head alpha looked at him for solid moment, processing the info he was just given. he sat back on his chair, leg over the other, and looked at him,

"How about, you tell me the news, and help me win the war, and I would not tell your king that you crossed miles over here, just to show your love to the- what do you call him now? Choi? is that what he is using as his last name? anyways, do we have a deal here?" 

Mark looked at him, in utter shock, how could he be this stupid?

" I-no! you have no proof, you could have easily gotten to know where he is from spies, whom are not helping you, because if they did, you would have not needed to know this from me, now, if you excuse me, if you do not wish to know, I will take my leave, see you at the war!" he was about to turn around, when two guards blocked his way, he can hear Junmyeon laughing behind him, 

" Boy boy, how naïve yet evil, your evil spirit can be used if trained well, I can take advantage of that, what is your name? I'm afraid we were not introduced properly."

mark gulped, as one of the guards nudged him, he turned around, looking with shaky eyes at him 

" Mark.. Lee Mark" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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