12 | "nothing more than you, principessa"

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Alessia sat in her first class, care of magical creatures, looking out the window and paying no mind to what her teacher was saying, more thinking about her costume for the Halloween party at the end of next week.

Sure, she had two whole weeks to find something, but you can never plan too far ahead, right?

Eventually the bell went and she made her way to history of magic, slightly nervous for this class.

She sat down at the back next to Theo, once again paying no attention whatsoever to what the professor was saying.

"..so get into your groups and make a start."

Everyone started moving around and she looked to Theodore, wondering what was happening.

"We might have to actually do something for this project, tesoro." Theo said, as Hermione, Luna, and Harry came over, pulling up chairs to sit around their desk.

"I'd like to see that everyone in your groups contributes something to these projects. There is no excuse for any less." The professor stated, giving looks to a certain few students, Theo and Alessia included.

"Well, Morse, Nott, what are you two going to do?" Hermione asked.

"We can do like.. a really cool looking title." Alessia replied, looking at Theo who nodded in agreement.

Hermione rolled her eyes and handed them a piece of parchment to work on, not bothering to ask any more from them.

Theo wrote "history of the Hogwarts houses" in a cursive looking font, and Alessia coloured it in as Luna drew each house crest, and the two Gryffindors made notes.

The desk was small, so with five people sitting around it it was pretty crowded. Alessia sat right next to Theodore, her left leg over his right thigh, his hand around her lower torso resting on her hip.

Eventually she got bored and grabbed his free hand, moving it closer to her on the desk as she drew random shapes and doodles on it.

She wrote the letter A in big curly writing, and put it in a heart, right I'm the centre of his hand.

"A, for Alessia." She laughed.

"A for alcohol." He joked.

"What, you like alcohol more than you like me?" She put a hand on her heart, pretending to be offended.

"No, nothing more than you, principessa." He mumbled in her ear and she laughed, rolling her eyes.

Just as she was about to reply the bell went and they packed up their stuff before going to their next class.

They both had Defense against the dark arts next and walked there together, Theo holding Alessia's books for her.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to, im a gentlemen bella."

"Im sure you are." She said sarcastically, and laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing." She giggled and looked around, avoiding eye contact with him.

He stopped walking and grabbed her face, making her look at him.

"What's that supposed to mean, tesoro?"

"What does Tesoro mean?"

He let go and kept walking, ignoring her question.

"What about bella? Or principessa?" She asked, still getting no answer.

He shook his head and she giggled, seeing how caught out he looked when she said that.

"Do you call all your friends that, Theo?"

"Just the pretty ones." He said, opening the door to the classroom, and smirking at how she immediately stopped questioning him.

Irresistible | Theodore NottKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat