8 | "You'll just have to wait and see."

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Alessia woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, groaning as she rolled over in her bed.

"Look who's finally awake." Pansy said, handing her the water painkillers on her table, which Alessia grabbed from her immediately.

"Good morning Alexandra." Onyx said, smiling at the dirty look her friend shot her, knowing how she felt about being called her real name. "Or should I say afternoon, considering it's 2pm."

"Say goodnight, I'm going back to sleep."

She pulled the covers over her head, only to have them yanked fully off of her seconds later.

"Don't make me spray you with water again." Onyx threatened, bottle in hand.

Alessia reluctantly got out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom, taking a moment to stare at herself in the mirror as she waited for the shower to heat up.

Her hair was a tangled mess and her makeup was still on from yesterday, only now ridiculously smudged and half wiped off on her pillow.

She stripped off last nights clothes and jewellery and jumped in the shower.

While standing there she began to think about last nights events, the last thing she could remember was doing a shot with Pansy, though she had no idea how early or late that was into the night.

Minutes passed and she had a faint memory of Theodore carrying her somewhere, though she couldn't remember what happened before or after that, so she just assumed he had taken her back to her dorm when she was too drunk.

how sweet of him

She thought, and once again that strange tingly feeling returned, only now it was a little further down than her stomach.. as it wasn't just him carrying her to her dorm she was thinking about.

That night in the astronomy tower.. how he held her face in his hand, how close their lips were when he blew the smoke in her mouth, how his hoodie had felt on her.

Come to think of it, Theo had been very sweet to her lately. He had walked her to almost all of her classes, offered to hold her books, lent her his notes..

And then there was the other stuff, stuff that made her think that he was starting to think of her as something that could be more than friends.

The lingering glances, the tingles she felt whenever they made physical contact, how he always somehow found a way to be close her.

And now, looking after her when she was drunk? Something only Pansy or Onyx had done before.

It felt different when he did it though. Like it meant something more than when just a close friend did.

Before she could think anymore about him Onyx started banging on the door, yelling for her to hurry up.

A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom in a black off shoulder jumper and her favourite low rise flare jeans.

She put her hair in a half clipped up style and did her everyday makeup before adding some small silver hoops, a couple rings, and her favourite necklace with a small butterfly pendant.

She pulled on her black Uggs and followed them down to the Slytherin common room, where the whole group was sitting.

"Hey, now everyone's here." Blaise said, smiling and gesturing for the girl to sit next to him.

She walked over and sat between him and Enzo, which also happened to be the seat directly opposite Theo.

They made eye contact for a few moments and sat silent while everyone else talked.

Eventually she got up and sat next to him instead.

"Thanks for bringing me back last night." She smiled. "I hope I wasn't too drunk."

"A little bit too drunk.. you flirted with Ron Weasley." He chuckled.

"Oh god." She hid her face in her hands an let out a pained laughed. "You should've stopped me."

"I would've but it was just so amusing."

"Hmmm whatever." She rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm sorry princess, next time I'll save you the embarrassment." He promised, looking into her eyes when he said that.

"You better." She playfully hit his arm and laughed before they both joined the rest of the groups conversation.

"I don't think I'm going to recover from that party any time soon." Draco announced, referring to the awful headache and violent throwing up he experienced this morning.

"Well there's gonna be Halloween parties again in month so you better get on with it." Pansy exclaimed, already mentally planning costumes as she spoke.

"Parties plural?" Blaise asked.

"Yep. Halloweens on a Monday, so each house is throwing a party a different day; Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday." Onyx replied, already having her costumes planned.

"Oh god." Draco groaned, while Mattheo excitedly planned all of the different substances he would be abusing over that weekend, and Enzo planned on how he would deal with Mattheo getting drunk and high for four days straight.

Alessia started to think back on past costumes or costume ideas she'd had that she could do this year.

"Any ideas?" Theodore asked, seeing how hard she was thinking about this.

"A couple."


"You'll just have to wait and see."

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