9 | "Come on, bella."

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"Are you even nearly ready?" Draco asked through the bathroom door, trying to hurry up Lorenzo.

"Piss off Malfoy, you know the girls aren't ready yet go hurry them up!" He yelled back through the door.

"Onyx and Pansy are waiting in the common room with Blaise and Theo. We're all waiting on you and Alessia."

"Go hurry her up then."

Draco turned to Mattheo. "Get him out in the next five minutes."

"Don't tell me what to do."

Draco rolled his eyes before walking to Alessia's dorm and knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

"Are you even almost done Morse?" He sighed, already tired of Enzo's bullshit and not at all ready to deal with Alessia's.

"Yes ... I just need to put some mascara and lipliner on and take my rollers out ... and put on shoes, and a jacket, and get my bag  and -"

"Just be in the common room in five."

And soon enough they were all downstairs and ready to go.

Alessia had worn a blue baby tee, a denim mini skirt, and clear tights with white leg warmers and her favourite Uggs, along with a light grey fluffy jacket and a big white scarf, and, as always, her oversized black shoulder bag that she took everywhere with her.

Hogsmede was a short walk from Hogwarts and as none of them were bothered to wait for a carriage(apart from Draco who whined like a baby the whole walk there), they decided to just walk.

Onyx and Blaise walked a little ahead, holding hands and talking between themselves, while Pansy and Draco followed not too far behind them, both wishing they had taken a carriage. Mattheo and Lorenzo were running around having a snowball fight while Theodore and Alessia were walking a litte behind everyone else.

Alessia began to find it hard to keep up, her thin tights not doing much to keep her warm, so she linked her arm with Theo's, and held it with her other hand.

"You okay?" He asked, looking down at her as she stared at her feet, trying not to trip over them.

"Yeah, just cold."

He nodded and stopped for a moment, zipping up her jacket for her and putting her hood up.


"Yes." She smiled and began walking again.

They continued along the path for a couple minutes before Theo grabbed her hand. She interlocked their fingers and neither of them said anything. They just kept walking.

When they finally got to Hogsmede Onyx and Pansy dragged Alessia off to go look around the shops together, leaving the boys to do their own thing, which in their case meant ambush first and second years with snowballs for hours on end.

The first shop they went into was a bookstore, one of Alessia's favourite places in the muggle world, but in the wizarding world.. not so much.

The books aren't bad at all, it's just not to her taste, so her and Onyx followed Pansy around as she grabbed as many transfiguration textbooks as she could hold.

"Are you sure you need that many?" Onyx asked, watching her struggle to carry them.

"Well if I hadn't sat next to Alessia last year I wouldn't. You are the reason I'm failing Alexandra. I blame you." Pansy said, dropping the books on the counter to pay.

"Don't blame me, you're the one who couldn't focus all year."

"Yeah because I had you yapping in my ear all year long."


They walked around a lot more,talking, gossiping, buying things, and looking around, before deciding they'd had enough of the cold, and gone into the three broomsticks to warm up.

They each ordered a butter beer and sat drinking them by the window, observing the boys' snowball fight.

Draco had hidden behind a tree, avoiding being hit at all costs, while Mattheo and Blaise tried to tag team Lorenzo and Theodore.

Soon enough, they too had had enough of the cold, and joined the girls inside.

By the time they'd came in, the girls had drank two butter beers each and were all on their third.

Alessia had taken off her jacket and scarf, put her hair into a low messy bun, and was resting her head on Draco's shoulder.

"Can someone get her off me." He said, only half serious. Alessia was one of the very few people he'd tolerate in his personal space - not exactly by choice at first though, he had just gotten used to her being touchy and learned to deal with it.

"Shushhh!" She whispered, closing her eyes as she began to fall asleep, the mix of 2 hours of sleep, three butter beers, and the warmth of being in the three broomsticks, she began to feel sleepy, and would've dozed off on Draco's shoulder if he hadn't abruptly got up.

"Before you say anything, I'm getting another drink, Blaise can switch with me."

Blaise shook his head, and gestured to how he was sitting next to Onyx already, and holding her hand under the table.

"Mattheo, move."

"No." He almost shouted, having never been so opposed to anything in his life. "I have not forgotten the time she bit me in third year! I will not do it."

"Oh shut up, you bit me first." She muttered with her eyes still shut, reaching out to whoever was on the other side of Draco, and dragging him closer, before returning to her sleep, Theo simply accepted it and let her head rest on his shoulder.

After another half hour spent in the three broomsticks, the group decided to leave, Theodore gently shaking Alessia to wake her up.

"Come on, bella."

They walked out to meet everyone else, Theodore carrying Alessia's coat, bag, and scarf, as she held his hand, eyes half shut, while he lead her outside.

They stopped at the door and he held her coat up for her to put on, before wrapping her scarf around her neck.

He once again held back onto her hand, promising Draco five galleons to hold Alessia's bag so he could give her a piggyback back to Hogwarts.

He reluctantly agreed and Theo crouched so she could get on.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso, once again half asleep with her head resting on his shoulder.

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