The photographer was taking pictures and it was funny seeing everybody dance and the older people tryna see what the kids were doing. It was hilarious.

"Ohhh", I felt something in my stomach and I started rubbing my stomach making a face.

"Baby you aight?", Marcus asked when he seen me.

"Yeah I'm fine go dance"

"Nah I'm tired, the kids can do all that, come on let's go eat"

He helped me up and we walked where the little buffet line was and I made a mountain of food on my plate. I was really hungry.

"Dvmn you keep up people gone think I don't feed you"

"Cause you don't", I laughed.

"Hey you know I be throwing down when I want too"

"Yeah but you don't ever want to though", I said eating a rib getting bar b que sauce on my face.

"Cause my baby girl cook for me, I don't have too"

"Uh huh keep thinking that", I smiled.

The dj played more music as we finished eating and then both of our mom's came on the stage and my mom had a yellow long folder in her hand.

"Hey everybody, alright so now that the pregnant lady has eaten it time for her and Marcus to come up to the stage", my mom said.

I didn't know what they were doing but Marcus helped me up and we walked up there facing everybody.

"Awe, what a beautiful couple. Well anyway, so now we're going to play a game, ladies if you're playing come on up"

Kee, Jada, Ty, Destiny, Monica, Genesis, and few more of our cousins came in front of the stage.

"Alright so first we need to to pick a partner"

They all got their partners and then somebody came around tying their ankles together.

"So this is going to be like a scavenger hunt. We filled the room of Debbie and Marcus' favorite color, drink, food, dessert, game and person. And the first person who finds them all will get a prize from the table over there", I looked over at the table and they had some nice stuff.

"Uhh hey wait", I said holding my hand up.

"Yes baby", my mom said looking at me.

"Can I get a prize, I mean I am the reason they playing"

"N-", before my mom finished Marcus said yes.

"Thank you baby", I smiled pecking his lips.

"She already don't like being told no don't say it at her baby shower, especially when she's going home with me"

"Alright, lil spoiled brat", I just smiled. It's not even very much my fault.

After that was said and done they started the search.

It was funny because everybody was picking out all kind of stuff. It wasn't fair that Kee and Jada were partners though, they had a huge advantage cause they were always around me and new my favorites and Marcus is Kee's close brother but surprisingly they didn't win though.

My cousin Ty and and my sister Kyana won.

"Whoo!! Go pick your prize from the table", they dances their way over to the table and everybody came back.

"Alright, next game. Give them all a blind fold and a diaper"

Marcus cousin Quint blind folded all of them and put a diaper in their hands.

All I Want is LoveWhere stories live. Discover now