Intrest in dance and writing songs so I guess  we can do something in this field but next year we will not go college that's it maybe I will think something for us I again looked at Luna and a smirk appeared in my face

--*After School*--

Luna Pov

I was walking down the street towards the small church I believe in God and whenever I fell heavy I like visiting him I entered inside the church and saw father Carlos reading Bible

Luna:Good Evening father Carlos *bows*

Carlos:good evening Luna *smile*

I have no one here expect him he is a 55 years old man he has dedicated his whole life to God when I was 14 years old he adopted me legally he also teached me and then after

Collecting money he get me enrolled in last year of high school that's why I don't want to create any problem he really worked hard just for me I really see him as my guardian

Carlos;what bring you here Luna *smile*

Luna:umm...just want to meet you father *looking down*

Carlos:liar you're here to confess right? *chuckles*

Luna:i don't know father But tell me will god forgive me if I will do sin? *looks at him*

Carlos:Luna there are so many things which is sin for god But need or pleasure for us *looks at her*

Luna:I know this *low tone*

Carlos:what sin you did? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:I-I hurted someone who didn't deserved it *low tone*

Carlos:tell me clearly and come here sit with me *smile*

I sat infront of him and he passed me the plate full of food he also started eating should I tell him?I mean I don't have anyone else to share so why not I looked at him and he smiled at me

Carlos:now tell me Luna *smile*

Luna:I stabbed a boy knee with pencil and today I again stabbed another boy in his hand *looking down*

Carlos:so?I know you have few more things in your mind tell me *smile*

Luna:I don't think I can fit between those Korean kids *annoyed tone*

Carlos:I knew that ahhh.....Luna look now Korea is your home so I really want you to fit between them *calm tone*

Luna:I don't know father I am feeling I am not born for this *sad tone*

Carlos:I am sure you're born for something special but Luna you have to wait for it *smile*

Luna:maybe ahh....I hate them *annoyed tone*

Carlos:who? *eats food*

Luna:7 boys they annoys me and I hate it very much *rolls eyes*

Carlos:I am sure the 7 of them will become an important part of your life *chuckles*

Luna:no way father this is not going to happen *smile*

Carlos:no one knows Luna so be ready for every situation *smile*

Luna:ahh....father now I should take my leave *looks at him*

Carlos:go ahead but I know you're still disturbed *smile*

Luna:well according to god every living being is disturbed internally *chuckles*

Carlos:according to god sometime living beings should do the thing they want to do *side eyeing her*

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