Chap. 15

52 1 9

1: Ok, how and why is my book now #9 in country humans?

2: I'm definitely now making an actual book cover for this book instead of google images I searched for.

Russia POV:

     At dinner everyone is accounted for, well everyone except... moving on, everyone is here so that's good. No one's talking or trying to, I guess it's because of the previous events that happened. No surprise though, I was sure that this was going to happen at dinner so I made sure to mentally prepare myself for the awkwardness. Which is good, it's really awkward right now.

     Every now and then someone would open their mouth to say something and then change their mind. I started to get tired of the awkward silence at the table, and my siblings noticed. After some more awkward silence Ukraine, Armenia, and Romania all stood up with their plates of food and yelled "FOOD FIGHT!" and threw their plates at someone. I feel bad for China who got hit twice, I guess he chose the wrong spot to sit. Ukraine went for America though, and that's how the fight carried on instead of stopping.

     When America got hit he smiled and stood up, holding his plate with his left hand, and used a spoon to fling different vegetables at everyone around the table, namely Britain. Then everyone at the table joined in, including myself, and chaos ensued. Food is flying everywhere, you can't look in one direction without getting hit by something, I learned that the hard way. America and Stralia took it all the way to the next level and were running around hitting the back of peoples heads with either a broccoli or some mashed potatoes, sometimes the sunshine carrots.

     Everyone was either yelling taunts at someone else or trash talking with another, or just yelling "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT SALAD TO THE FACE!" a lot. China, the stoic, strict, buisness man, even joined smiling. The only thing keeping China from winning the fight is America and Aussie. I'm just going to guess that they have experience in food fights, the whole family anyways, because France and Britain are also doing really well. Britain is doing a lot of the offense while France is doing mainly defense with his plate, protecting Britain from any direction he isn't looking. The English family definitely has experience with food fights.

Australia POV:

     This is so freaking fun! I get to throw food at people and run around, and I can do it without it being "weird and uncivilized"! Ame is definitely the one winning, he's hit the most people vegetables and he's only been hit by Ukraine and Russia! Well, and me, but I don't count we're technically a team on this. Why is the table so big?! Oh wait, this is smaller than our table at home never mind. Maybe it's the dress, yeah probably the dress

     While me and Ame were turning the corner of the table Ame got hit with a small bunch of grapes and tripped, it was fun to watch. I laughed and threw the grapes back in the direction they came from, which I learned came from Russia, considering I heard Russian yelling after. I waltzed over to Ame, who decided to stay on the floor, and gently kicked his side. "OW!" he yelled, "You wear freaking heels Stralia, they're more pointy than normal shoes!" I giggled and held out my hand to help him up.

When he grabbed my hand I pulled him up halfway, and when he started to say 'thanks' I shoved a broccoli in his mouth. That earned a lot of laughs from all around the table. Apparently, the fight ended because everyone is wiping off the food and no more food is being thrown at anyone. So, I did what any other princess would, and I made fun of my brother while praising his aim. "Your aim's good, it's just the fact that you need to expect tricks from me all the time" I said smiling, he smiled back and face-palmed.

     I'm so glad that Russia's siblings did that. It was getting awkward and my whole family's depressed! The only downside is the carrots, the poor carrots you were delicious. When everyone finished sitting back down, somewhat clean, Russia announced something. "Thank you all for coming, and sorry for the spontaneous food fight." He looked at Armenia, Ukraine, and Romania before continuing, "But, this is mainly for the English-French family, the doctors say that New Zealand is doing much better and the situation isn't as serious as it looked, but it's still extremely serious." The second he finished me and the rest of the family stood up. Everyone's heads turned to the side of the table our family sat on and smiled at us, we smiled back.


Yay, finished another chapter and did Stralia's POV! Also, if you want to get to know me better for some reason, I have a book just for that. Thank you all for reading this, it's the only thing keeping me from giving up. this is just so fun to write and I love how so many people read my writing. I have 2 other ideas I'll work on, one is a countryhumans AU with Whyyyyyyyy_Not

and the other is one I'm going to base off of some of Onyxxcrows animation memes.

Sunflowers and Carnations |RusAme Royal AU|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant