Chap. 1

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     Ugh... another day of being a prince. I'm tired of all these pointless lessons! There's one for practically everything, I freaking swear! There's one for music, diplomacy, eating, and my least favorite, dancing. I hate it here, in the palace. There's so much pressure on me because I'm the current heir, but I'm not getting the crown for a long time.

I woke up, got ready for the day, and headed down to the dining room... which was massive, it had a very long table that had enough seats to hold over 180 people, or countries it depends. Once I sat down with the rest of my family Papa was eating his normal croissant with chocolate filling, but he wasn't smiling like usual, he was looking down at his plate. Dad wasn't down yet either, they probably had another fight.

     Once dad finally came down, he looked like his usual self. Confident, composed, and above all, royal. He sat down next to Papa, at the head of the table. Papa glanced up at me with worry in his brilliant red and blue eyes. Dad took his time eating and looked up at me, Canada and Australia were the same as Papa they looked at their plates... they never do that, something was going on... something I don't know about.

Finally, dad spoke to me, "America, we are hosting a masquerade ball tonight." I rolled my eyes. "You have another kingdom you want ties with, isn't there?" I said, "I'll do it, but there's no chance it's going to go well." Dad sighed, annoyed, and nodded. I finished my breakfast and I looked at Papa, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, they all know how I feel about new people and using my 'humor' for dads own personal gain.

Dad looked back at his breakfast and said, "it's with the kingdom that used to be the Russian Empire, they had a revolution as you already know. The current ruler, USSR, has some children. One's your age, America, He goes by Russia. He has a lot of siblings, but a lot left and started their own kingdoms." He continued, "Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan still stay in USSR's palace, they do have their own kingdoms, they just apparently stay to make sure their father doesn't suddenly collapse." I nodded. So, he wants me to talk to this Russia guy. I think I've heard of him; Canada has a good friendship with Ukraine and Kazakhstan too, maybe dad just wants a little more of a... guarantee that the British Kingdom has good relations with them.

     I stood up and left the dining room and went up to my room. Some maids opened the door for me, and I smiled and thanked them, before closing the door behind me. I walked to my closet. I asked dad to let me take care of myself, no maids or servants, just me. He reluctantly agreed, so now I have a massive walk-in closet. I walked all the way through looking for a good outfit for the masquerade tonight, I hate it when dad springs these things on me.

It took me a little while, but I found the perfect outfit. The suit is a pastel yellow, with dark brown details. A few small crystals were put here and there, it reminded me of a sunflower almost. I grabbed the suit and walked around a little more, looking for subtle but good accessories for the outfit. Then, I saw it... it's a hat that looks like a real sunflower, it's a darker yellow and its green leaves fall diagonally, probably to cover the right eye because the hat was made in such a way it would tilt on someone's head but not fall. I could attach my dark green mask onto the leaves to cover my eyes. It's perfect.

Canada POV

Ame looks pretty pissed... he hides it well, but I know he hates when dad surprises him with these big events. I would too, but dad told me, Australia, and New Zealand last night. Why didn't he tell Ame before? Does Dad actually hate Ame that much? I know Dad doesn't like Ame much, even though he's the heir to the throne, because I overheard him muttering to himself in his study. I don't understand why though.

     I'm a little excited for the masquerade though, I can see if I can recognize any of my friends. I hope that Ame makes a friend or two during the dance. But he's pretty... anti-social to say the least. He doesn't even try to make friends, or conversation... He just waits for someone else to walk up to him and start talking.

     Me, Stralia, and Zee all left, simultaneously, soon after Ame left. We all looked at each other knowingly, we're going to meet up and talk about this. I headed to my room so I could stare at the ceiling for a little while. Once I felt like it's been long enough, I walk out of my room and see Stralia and Zee decided to do the same. We walked together outside into the courtyard. Once we were in an isolated spot we sat down on some large rocks, as chairs, and looked at each other.

     Zee spoke up first, "Why does Dad have to dislike Ame so much?" Me and Stralia shrugged. "Ame needs some friends," I said, "He doesn't even try, he just assumes he'll be better off alone" I kicked a pebble that was near my foot. Zee and Stralia nodded in agreement and then silence returned. Then Zee smiled mischievously, "what are you thinking Zee?" I asked skeptically. He chuckled quietly and said, "So, Ame has to talk to Russia riiiight?" Stralia started to smile too, and Zee continued. "What if we, y'know..." I smiled and laughed. "good idea, but how are we going to get Ame and Russia to become friends? Ame probably is going to just distance himself like he always does"

     Then Stralia giggled, "I have a solution for that" I raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh? And what's that Stralia?". She twirled a finger in one of the stray strands of hair and giggled some more, "Weeelll, if Ame accidentally slipped and oh I don't know... Kissed Russia?" She smirked. I laughed and shook my head, "How and why do you come up with these Aussie?" I said. She giggled and fixed her tiara, "that's my secret to keep Can-Can" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Fine Stralia," I said, "Keep your secrets. So, we're all in agreement that Ame is going to 'Accidentally' kiss Russia?" They both nodded and now we just had to put out plan into action.


wonderful... I'm finally writing something I've wanted to write for a while. hope it's good, I might give up on it but I doubt it.

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