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                                                                 | 𝐂 𝐎 𝐌 𝐌 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓     &     𝐕 𝐎 𝐓 𝐄 |


    I didn't know what to do or say. I was stuck sitting there looking at my phone having to pretend like someone didn't just offer me twenty thousand dollars out of the blue. I don't think my attempt at pretending like nothing happened was working, because Daniel was looking at me suspiciously. "Everything okay, Nicole?" Why'd he say my name like that? Why was the room getting so hot? More importantly, why did this man offer me twenty thousand dollars? "Yeah everything is okay, my friend just wanted to know something." I turned my attention back to Jacobs and attempted to get comfortable again but the panic and shock going through my body was making that impossible at the moment. 

   We were barely halfway through and I'm sure Jacobs noticed my sudden mood change. My body was a little shaky and, my mind didn't know how to process all of this. "We can stop and I'll send Daniel the notes to give you till I get back." I looked up from the pile of papers, "Yeah that works for me, thank you." "No problem." I picked up my stuff and grabbed the paper Jacobs gave me. I couldn't help but look over at Daniel with a smirk on his face. What's so amusing to him?

    "I sent Daniel the forms and the things you should study now if you wanna get a head start." I nodded to him grabbed my bag, and walked to the door. "Nicole, just follow me to my house and I'll print the papers so this doesn't have to be dragged out any longer." The guys hugged and Jacobs left leaving myself and Daniel. "Let me get my keys, and we can leave." He took his time getting his key, turning the lights off, and finally, we left.  I was still on edge and wanted to get this over with. 

   I followed Daniel back to his house and waited in the living room like he had asked me to. I was observing the room once again. Cute space, the colors complimented each other very well. I could tell his wife decorated it. I opened my phone and went back to the message as my nerves had calmed down some. 'I'm busy tonight, but thank you for the offer.' I was busy I planned on laying in bed and resting for the rest of the night, yesterday put my body to work. As soon as I sent the message Daniel popped up with the papers in a manila envelope. "Here you go, and if you need anything else just let me know." I took the envelope and thanked him. He walked me to the door, and let me out. "Have a great night, and drive safe." I smiled up at him and nodded my head walking away. 

   I could still feel his eyes on me as I made my way to my car. I put my papers in the passenger seat and drove off.


     Apart from me still couldn't believe it was her behind that account. I mean she seems so innocent, like she'd be cuddled up in a blanket on a cold winter night. Not fucking herself for thousands of people to watch. I went to the living room to watch some TV, and stalk Nicole's page. It seemed as if she'd done a very good job at keeping her personal life separate from her online life. 

    Once I had looked through her sugar plums page, and all of her social media I was impressed. She does a very good job at hiding this side of her. I went to my messages with Vivian asking her when she'd get done with work tonight. I thought about making a cute last-minute movie date. So we can catch up with each other and have some good one time. I got up to clean around a little. The living room wasn't dirty, just a few things out of place.

  I fixed the blankets and pillows. Turned on the fireplace, and dimmed the lights a little. Picked up some papers I had brought from my office, and picked up Vivians' laptop taking it to my office. She'll get it later if she needs it. I turned it on to check if it needed any charge when an email thread popped up. I wasn't being nosey my eyes just quickly scanned the screen and I found myself three pages deep in a conversation between Vivian and her father, and the court case they were dealing with.

   I had never gotten the chance to ask what was happening, how it was going, or even why she wanted to go with her father. I understand moral support, but the e-mails were saying something else. I took a few pictures of the rest of the e-mails. Closed her laptop and went back to the living room. I had a show on in the background, while I read through the e-mails. "Daniel can't find out, so if he asks please just say a family situation." "Dad, he'd hate me if found out. I was young and dumb, and now I'm in too deep on something else. He already suspects I'm cheating." I was skimming the paragraphs to find anything mildly important. "I'm not going to tell him shit, my daughter's sanity is more important than some fucking honesty." "He invited them over for dinner. I can't go if she asks the question.. He's going to be there too. I can't go to court tmr." 

      I couldn't stop thinking about how randomly sick Vivian got right before the dinner. She swore she was losing her voice. Then, the next day her voice was back to normal and she was randomly just fine. That night she went out with her friends, why'd you go out if you're so sick? Before I could read anymore the garage door slammed shut. "Hi, I'm home sorry I had to help a few people fix their pins." "I nodded my head getting up to help her. "How was your day?" She let out a deep sign falling on the couch. "Tiring, go get a bottle." I went to get some snacks and drinks per her request. So many questions all of a sudden. 

     We were sitting on the couch while I was listening to her day rubbing her sore feet. "Running a company is so hard, and time-consuming." "Tell me about it." She smiled rolling her eyes. I got a text from someone while she was in Lala Land. 'Have you seen Viv? She didn't come in today like she promised.' "Where were you today?" She gave me a weak smile. "Work silly." "Then why's your assistant texting me you were nowhere to be seen? Where'd you go after the dinner?" She sat up facing me. "Why are you fbi-ing my ass like I've done something wrong?" "Okay then, what's the court case really about?" "Family matters." I got up going to the kitchen. I didn't believe a single word she said and I had semi-proof not to.

    "What the fuck?" I turned around to her behind me looking as if she was questioning my entire existence. "No Vivian you can't turn this on me, I'm not lying about my whereabouts twenty-four-seven." "Neither am I, you're just starting shit for no fuckin reason." "You're getting defensive because I'm right." "No, you're accusing me of some shit I didn't do." I rolled my eyes getting some pasta from the other night. "I asked a question and you're guilty, you're fucking some man missing time at work, and going to court over some hit and run from years ago." I had her ass stomped there wasn't anything she could say because she knew I caught her red-handed. 

    "You're over there eye fucking miss perfect, and my past is my past. Leave it alone. I don't bring up the fact you murder people, or you sell drugs to every business deal you make." I walked away from her grabbing my keys. "How does my business have anything to do with you sitting across from her lying to her face about killing her parents?" "You've done worse than me, that's how." "My past is my past at least I can admit to it. You can't even have a fucking conversation." She scoffed and rolled her eyes I grabbed my phone and walked out. She followed me in an attempt to stop I'm pretty sure but it wasn't working. I got into my car and drove off.

     I don't even know where I was going I just knew I needed to be away from her. Months of lies and I give you a chance and you still can't admit to it. I replied to Vivians assistant letting him know she was and had been home. Then, I texted Nicole making sure she got home safe. 'Yes, ty for asking chilling at home rn.' 'Glad to hear that, sounds nice. Am going for a drive. Join?' Was it the best decision no, but a company is always good to have.

 (AN) THANK YOU SMMMMM FOR 23.6 K BESTIESSSS!! HIIIII, IT'S BEEN SOOOO LONG!!!! DID YOU MISS ME, I MISSED YOUUU!?!?! I survived winter break, my birthday, and being with a Virgo. How are youuu?

         I didn't really like this chap was lowkey stuck on the first half n pray the second half is good. I love the next chap tho. Tricks r up my sleeve finna pull a rabbit outta my hat. Nicole and Daniel boutta get dowwnnn. Vivian gonna cry, and a friendship will be broken. I CAN'T WAIIITTTT. 

       Lowkey had writers block we're backkk. Next chap will be up this weekend. I love you, wish you the absolute best ml's. 

                     <3 J    (AN)

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