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                                         |  𝐂 𝐎 𝐌 𝐌 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓     &    𝐕 𝐎 𝐓 𝐄  |

| 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 |

   "Fuck! I can't hold it, daddy. I can't, I'm gonna cum." And I did, I came for maybe the fourth time. I had lost count while trying to focus on not cumming. She had me in at least three different positions this whole time. She was trying to make it harder for me to hold it. It was working. 

   "Good girl. You did so good for me princess, are you okay?" I was coming down from my high catching my breath. "Yeah, I'm good. Just a little tired, but that's all." I looked around me. My sheets are messy, my room is a wreck, and it's almost 7 pm. "Hey, um daddy I have to go it's late, and I have things to do. My chat is always open and I post about future shows slash sessions." "Okay, baby. Just clean up, eat, and get some rest." "I will. Bye, bye." I didn't give her a second to reply I immediately hung up took two Tylenol, and got up to clean. 

     I knew that my body was going to be sore for at least a day or two. I couldn't complain though I had a lot of fun, and for the first time, I didn't feel pressured into anything. It felt natural, unlike some other times. For the first time in a while someone wanted to satisfy me, and not just have me satisfy them. 

     I lazily cleaned my room which was just me throwing shit in a pile in the corner of my room. I got some pajamas, and a towel, and set out my lotions, oils, and scrubs preparing for my bath. Once I got out it was 7:30 pm, and I could hear my uncle downstairs talking to my aunt. I carefully walked downstairs. My legs weren't as shaky I just wanted to be careful so I didn't fall. "Hey, when did you guys get home?" They both turned from what they were doing to look at me. "About five minutes ago. I got take out for dinner, and your aunt is packing to go home." I made myself a plate of food carefully sitting down on the island. "Why are you just now going home?" She looked at me with a kind of confused face. "Gas is too high for me just to be driving back and forth, and I was only here to help set up for your birthday. It's been about two weeks, so I'm leaving." I nodded my head taking a bit of my spring roll.

     The room fell silent, and I didn't like it. Knowing them two anyone could say anything, not caring about how the other one felt. "So we have career day soon at school, either one of you want to sign up?" They gave each other a skeptical look. "Sure, I would love to. Text me all the info. Kids these days don't know enough about what an actual couples counselor does." We do we just don't care. This generation is filled with teens who find ways to fix their problems without actual help. "And, you don't want to?" I looked at my uncle who seemed like he was in his head about something. "I have a boring job writing up company numbers, and making sure we're always on a budget, not getting fucked over." I simply just gave him a blank stare getting up to get a bottle of water. "I'll text you about career day, and send you the form. Have a safe drive home, love you." I gave her a quick side hug going to my room.

      The more I think about it I don't know exactly what my uncle does. I've never really questioned it, because there's never been a reason to. The conversation downstairs was a little weird though. Between the look, they gave each other, and the way he answered the question it was just off a little. Like is this man doing budget analysis? That would make sense, but also what company does he work for? The more I lay there thinking about everything the more questions came up, I made a mental note about all my questions, and to look for my dad's old papers. If they worked at the same place they most likely worked in the same position. 

    I looked at the time it was already 8:40 pm, I was worn out from fucking. My body was exhausted, and I made no effort to try and stay awake. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep.

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥Where stories live. Discover now