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                                                          | 𝐂 𝐎 𝐌 𝐌 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓    &    𝐕 𝐎 𝐓 𝐄 |

| 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 |

       I needed a self-care day after all the shit that's been happening. So, that's exactly what I did. I took the whole weekend to myself. I had a bunch of cleaning to do anyways, so why not take the weekend and self-isolate? The only person I talked to was my Uncle occasionally when he'd stop by my room to ask what I wanted for dinner. Other than that my phone was off and I had no plans on turning it back on till Monday. 

       The Sam situation was stressing me out, and I wasn't even involved in it. All I'm trying to do is look out for my friend. I was contemplating my answer for Mysterman. I could say yes, but I don't even know her. I'd like to get to know her, but a date seems like a little too much too soon. It also seems like a good escape from reality at the moment. I was trying to get Sugar Plums Cam Girls to refund Mmdon32 for his tip. I just seemed weird, and I didn't want any legal issues with him claiming I scammed him or anything. I was just waiting on their call back.

       In actuality I had everything figured out I was just waiting for the pieces to fall into place. Everything takes time, can't rush the process, I'm just not patient enough to wait. 

        I had finished folding my clothes and was just watching TV while completing an assignment. Our rough draft for English is tomorrow, and I want it done now so Mr. Hughes has nothing to come me for when I catch his ass lacking. 

           The rest of the night I spent in my room reading, eating, cleaning, and working. I had fallen asleep a little late not paying attention to the clock. 

                                    |   𝐓 𝐇 𝐄      𝐍 𝐄 𝐗 𝐓      𝐃 𝐀 𝐘  |


       I woke up a little late so I didn't have much time to eat. I almost forgot my book back. I pulled into the school student parking lot grabbing my things, and turning on my phone when all the sudden Ethan ran up to my window scary the hell out of me. "What the fuck?" He tapped my window for me to roll it down which I did. "I call at least a hundred time. Learn to answer a call, or a fucking text for crying out loud. It could have been an emergency!" I just looked at him not fazed at all, because this something Ethan would do. Overreact. 

     I got out of my car and started walking in as he kept going on about how location is important, yet he never has his on. "Are you done?" "No. because what the fuck has gotten in to you recently. D-do we matter to you anymore?" I was shocked he even had to ask that. Of course they mattered to me, but sometimes I gotta put me first. I'm always worried about them, and I know that's what you do if your friends mean anything to you, but the whole weekend was meant for me. It's not even like we do anything together on the weekends anymore. "Yes, you do."

      I made it to my locker with Ethan still following me. The silence was loud, but only because he made it loud. I just turned and looked at him. "Sam's location was off as well, and I wanted to go out somewhere. Anywhere I was bored, and tired of my room." I nodded my head. "Is her location still off." He nodded his head. I checked for myself because maybe she turned it back on, but nope. "Mine was off, because my phone was off. You have my address you could have came over." "Your Uncle scares me." That's all he said as we made it to math. 

       As we were mid way into our lesson I got a notif saying the money was transferred back. I went to check on my page, and send a little message to Mmdon32. "Sent me money meant for someone else, it's been transferred back. :)" Then there was still a message from Mysteryman. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say yes, but there was still something holding me back. "When, where, and what time. I'll see if it fits into my schedule." I don't have anything going on, but she doesn't need to know that. I turned my phone back off attempting to pay attention to this boring ass class. 

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥Where stories live. Discover now