"Who's dying?" I asked giving him the side-eye. "Whenever you cook Italian it's always followed by news that's going to piss me off or hurt my feelings... usually it's that vegan shyt you keep trying to force on me." I said and my dad started laughing.

"That's not true Lucci, I just... maybe I wanna have a meal with my son, it's been a little minute since we actually sat down and had a meal together, hell the last time you offered to help me cook you couldn't even reach the faucet, I had to get you a stoop." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but I'm telling you now if there's ANY bad news I'm getting up and leaving..." I said trying not to smile, I couldn't place it but my dad seemed happy. "Since I've been home for three straight days, I think it's time for me to get out of the house... can I have some money?" I asked, once my wallet was filled I took a long shower and decided to go see Sebastian. It wasn't difficult to locate him, he was at the same place he'd been for almost a month... working on his studio and making sure everything was up to HIS standards.

"Ayy this floor needs to be polished, when I walk in I wanna be able to see my reflection in the marble... I paid too much money on this shyt for it to look this grimey." Sebastian said, he didn't yell but there was a level of command in his voice that had me almost ready to grab a mop. I shook my head and looked at him, Sebastian was wearing one of those construction hard hats, one of those orange reflector jackets, some Tims, some jeans, and nothing else.

"Who are you showing off for?" I asked, giving him a little attitude, Sebastian stared at me for a second and he couldn't hide the lust in his eyes. "You couldn't put a shirt on?" I asked, y'all I was trying my hardest not to reach out and touch his muscles, I was pissed and I couldn't show any signs of weakness.

"You shouldn't be here..." Sebastian said looking down at the clipboard in his hand, see it was shyt like this that made me want to go upside his head. "It's not like that, it's just not safe... come on you can wait in my office." Sebastian said grabbing my hand and pulling me through the construction site. "What are you doing here Lucci?" Sebastian asked sitting at his desk.

"We need to talk... since our argument things between us have been... strained, I just feel like we can't move forward until you apologize for your baseless accusations." I said looking into his eyes.

"I apologize..." Sebastian said and I was shocked at how fast he relented. "I said some things out of anger and lashed out when I had no evidence to support my 'baseless' claims. I've been doing some thinking... as well as talking to my brother and Henny, they both let me know I was out of line... I've been stressed, not just trying to build all of this, plus the shyt that's been going on with Natalie and Fiorello... I've just been holding it all in and wrongfully directing it towards you... so I apologize Luciano." Sebastian said.

"So it took advice from your brother and your friend for you to see the light, I guess my word isn't good enough." I said rolling my eyes.

"Why are you still trying to drag this out? It really shouldn't matter who made me come to my senses, what SHOULD matter is that I did and I'm man enough to admit when I was wrong... You are looking for a fight and I got too much shyt I need to finish, so if you wanna argue you can step...." Sebastian said and I sat there quietly. "You know what it is... you're horny." Sebastian said smirking.

"I.... you know what... shut up." I said feeling my entire face turn red, my ears were burning, and now I couldn't even look at him. "Even if I was... you got that stupid 'no sex' rule in place... you are the reason I'm so.... angry." I said looking at the wall, I could feel Sebastian's eyes peering into my soul but I refused to give him that satisfaction of meeting his eyes.

"Trust me, I know what you're going through... why do you think I've been burying myself in work? I need to focus on something other than the aching...." Sebastian said, and there was something alluring about his voice. "So I've been thinking about rescinding that agreement..." Sebastian said standing up, and pacing around his office. "You know Lucci, I've been extremely selfish....."

"How so?" I asked watching him pace back and forth.

"When we got together I knew you were vers... while you prefer bottoming, you like to top. Now, I have no intention of EVER bottoming... but I'm not opposed to letting you top, so if you want you can go out and find us a bottom that we can handle together." Sebastian said looking into my eyes and I didn't know if he was being serious or not but... "It's just something to think about, no pressure...." Sebastian said, I was still trying to figure out if he was playing when there was a knock at the door and one of the workers came in and whispered something that pissed Sebastian off.

"Go handle it, we'll talk later..." I said kissing him and walking out. Sebastian's words were still playing in my head, in my heart I felt like he was being serious about wanting a threesome but I was still questioning what brought about his change.

I pulled up to Jacobi's house and it had been a little minute since I'd been over here just to chill. When I walked inside there was chaos... everyone was running around with Nerf Guns shooting foam darts, even Quran, with his arm in a sling was shooting. He landed a nice shot on Jacobi, hitting him directly in the forehead.

"Grab a gun and join in...." Nazeer said popping up from behind the couch, he looked like he was having a blast, considering everything that was going on with him I was surprised to see him smiling and having fun.

"I think I'll pass...." I said making my way through the house, I had to dodge Nerf missiles until I made it out back and it was like I had entered an oasis, it was so peaceful out here compared to what was going on inside. Semaj was sitting by the pool, staring at the water and somehow I ended up next to him. "I'm surprised you aren't in there with them." I said.

"Do I look like a child?" Semaj said laughing. "I'm surprised you are here. These past few weeks it's been like you haven't really been fuckin with us like that..." Semaj said and I felt a little guilty because what he was saying was true.

"I've just been chillin, y'all niggas got way too much drama for me..." I said laughing.

"True, true... hopefully everything will settle down once...." Semaj was cut off by the sound of two phones ringing at the same time. "I gotta take this...." Semaj said getting up and walking off, I looked down at my phone and saw that it was my dad calling.

"Ayy I had to run to the office real quick, you mind going into my room and grabbing that stack of papers off my dresser?" My dad asked.

"Umm I'm over Jacobi's but yeah... I guess." I said slightly annoyed.

"Really? I thought I just saw you on the camera...." My dad said sounding confused. I quickly hung up and checked the security cameras at my dad's place, I went back a few minutes and saw a dude who, in my opinion, looked nothing like me walking through the house like he lived there. I watched as he walked up the stairs and made his way to my bedroom. I watched the camera and determined that he was still in my room... good, I jumped up and without saying a word I raced to my car... The police better beat me there because if I caught Fiorello, I was going to kill him.............................

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