Night 20

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(Warning: fear of spiders? Do not read)

I was hanging out with the biggest youtubers I know..they asked me to meet a friend of theirs an to bring a swimsuit. Eagerly, as the huge fan I am, I acepted the invitation. I drove to the adress instructioned but i was also quite leery. The man lived in a coral pink tent, I was about to turn back until i heard my name called out to me and see the famous idols of mine waving at me to come along. We all stepped inside as their friend introduces himself as the noble host for the evening. There was something off and I couldnt tell what, he is very friendly and polite so i put my negative thoughts of warning and worry aside.Once everyones inside the tent he closes the flap and offers a special aphrodisiac cultivated by he, himself. Curious i asked whered it came from trying to see if my study of herb or plants was anything to use in this situation. The other geusts without any questions agreed to try it. The "Noble host" watched me as I asked questions that the others didnt care to hear or understand. "From his evergrowing nails, they are like breakable needles he expains. However, if your shot more then 4 times you'll be in a comatose of bliss." When he told me this my blood ran cold. The more he speaks on charming and wooing his guests, the idol i once admired and would follow at the whim would laugh. the white haired "Noble" offers me a nail, hesitantly I decline. But the moment I say no everything is deadly quiet. Uncomfortable with my situation, I make an escape to a long staircase that takes me away from them all. The noble host is displeased with this and tries to follpw me and bait me into taking part of the fun. Hot on my trail, I feel his hands on the back of my throat, pricking me with his nails..I begin to see everything in a hazy pinkish light as everything becomes double and foggy it felt like falling, the staircase gone into nothingness, but a pink endless void. I come to my senses as i float in pink water, confused where am I? What happened and how'd I get here? All the sudden I wake up on a old rickety ride in a wodden cart following dawned on me that I'm being taken futher into his den,and I don't know how to get back to my car.. All the sudden, I see a stage and a audience seating filled with what looks like hundreds of figures.. I unbuckle myself from the cart and go explore the seating filled arena only to climb over the disfigured statues an bones of the past who were seated there . The crowd cheers can be heard but theres no one alive seated here..the cheering slows as a huge purple and pink spider emerges on stage towering over the audience and over me. I fear the spider knows im here, that it sees me. In attempt to survive I try to hide with the corpses that are seated..I see the spider has 3 bundles of web covering something moving as it sticks a straw like needle into one of the bundles sacks and drinks. The sac slowly deflates as the spider positions the now drained sack into one of the empty seats in the audience rows. Terrified I look around for an exit away from the spider..once i see the small hole in the wall thats big enough for me to crawl through I make a run for it. Little did i know the hole was a water waylike slide. Me running must have caught  the spiders attention become it darted after me, chasing me. but it's too late, I'm already insideand the spiders too big finally off the slide with darker murky red water I hear a man screaming with rage and...I wake.

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