Night 11

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I was in an a old building that resembles the abandoned asylum in my small town. I was on a gurney strapped down, rolled into a room with lots of bright lights. The doctor waiting patiently with a grin says "the patients been through so much, this procedure should help you relax." As his assistant places a mask over my nose. Next thing I wake up to immense pain. All the sudden I was out of my body watching them cut into my skull, removing my brains. My body thrashed and screamed in agony. The assistant nurse with no face grab a scapel stabbing out my eyes and removed my tongue. I was blind and in severe pain. I could feel the stitching of my mouth keeping it shut, "a permanent smile for a pretty face." Replied the nurse. I heard the doctor then say "She's finished sir, a mindless perfect doll." The second the word doll came out I was back in my body in pure agony, I couldn't move to speak. Then s strange but familiar voice spoke up grabbing my hair tilting my head up. "You are mine to torture." then I heard a high pitched drill and felt  something cutting into my stomach and taking out my organs. I prayed for mercy but found none..I wake.

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