Night 19

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I was at a my old middle school. My dad worked there, he was the vice principal this time. The music program was canceled so, I had to join dance class.  One day I was singing while working on a dance routine, and the teacher for the dance program heard me. I told her the janitor also sings opera and old christian music in my defense. when she confronted me about my relationship with music, she wasn't happy about my choice of words. She whistled, catching my attention and I was taken away by a group of boys, to the teacher of the dance classes home. A dry little patch of land with a cabin on it and with a lake behind it. I told the teacher I didn't  want to dance, so she knocked me out. When I came to, I was still droggy but I saw she had put me in barley walkable horse shoe stilts with a lock on them, but designed for pro ballet dancers. I left the cabin stumbling around in pain from being forced to walk on the tips of my toes. Trying to run was pointless but in my efforts found a 6ft wall. so I turned back towards the water, the teachers henchmen were gaining on me. I made the decision to head into the water til my waist was  covered by the water. One of the boys grabbed me. I realized i wouldn't be going home, I would never see my dad or friends again, so i dived my head into the water and breathed the water in. The cool burn as it flooded my lungs and black...I wake.

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