Night 14

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My mom and I were walking all over town exploring and finding new things. We found an old bookstore just on the corner and went inside looking at the pieces of history and imagination filled on the shelves. After browsing we then met up  some friends at a  house party. We were dancing having a good time til the morning light. Mom said she had to go home, that it was getting late and to get her keys. I told her I'd get them for her. I knew where they were i was always good at keeping track of her things better than she could. The car keys were in the bathroom of the house party we were in. I went into the bathroom to grab them since mom was waiting on me. Alone. Once I had grabbed the keys, I turned to leave. Something felt off and in the corner of my eye something went crawling up the wall. I try to turn on the lights to get a better view, maybe I'm seeing shit from lack of sleep, but as my luck has it,  someone unscrewed the bulbs. I heard a chuckle like they knew what I was doing and I took a few steps back towards the door. Trying hard to see and to find who made the noise. He steps out of the shower, a cliche hiding spot but a good hiding spot nonetheless. The man was wearing a black hoodie and gloves i couldnt see his face or recognize the voice, but he sure as shit knew me. I try to run and scream for my mother. Hes faster and  catches me  holding me in a chokehold, his other gloved hand coving my mouth as i start to get drowsy..Something smelt funny. He leans into my ear an says my full name. The thought is  running through my brain. He definitely knows me..why can't I recognize him? He takes a few deep breathes and as I pass out he speaks up "Learn to keep your mouth, just SHUT UP!!! OR I'LL SHUT IT FOR YOU!!!..everything went black...
I wake.

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