Night 17

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I was in my old territory. The lake house my grandparents owned. The musty smell of cleaner detergents. Cream colored paint chipping away from the years and the elements along with it. Crickets are outside chirping, cattle mooing. This is all normal in our little town, but today isn't normal. My  grandma, decides to give me a gift before she dies, she gave me a doll. The doll came to life, its name was Three. Out of nowhere, Three starts chanting a weird language. The sky turns grey and grumbles angrily down at me. The once slumbering oaks, now pissed off tree monsters. They start to chase me. I run into a random villiage away from my home. While I'm running a kind oldman tries to help me by getting in the trees way. The monsters retaliated by arrows flying. The man in the line of fire is being shot by arrows and dying before my eyes. Terror, thats all I feel.  I then see the ghost of my grandmother showing me the way to go, pointing to a bridge. I follow the ghost, but without me knowing, the doll follows me as well as the tree monsters. I dart past the bridge into the wilds and climb a mountain by grabing a silk sash tied to a tree branch. The silk doesn't hold and I fall. I  woke up back in my bed, in my room, of the lake house. I wake up just enough to see one of the monsters climbing up through my window and try to get in. the doll watching as i try to move but to no avail. The tree monster catches me and roars in my face...

I wake.

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