Night 16

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I appeared in this strange moving train..looking around I noticed this isn't a ordinary train but a stagecoach holding passengers glowing blue and green..Spirits.
One of the passengers told me I did not belong here and that if I wanted to get off the train had to get a blue healing herb. Ingesting this herb will allow and to get it I had search the train. It went through like a videogame. Findings clues and make sure no one else sees me. What terrified me was when I was crawling through a maze/vent inside the train. The style of this train reminds me of the coo-coo-clock heart and kind of like the beldam's web in Coraline. Only it was made like that metal fire molten. I had to get coal and run a few errands for others to gain new insight to finding this herb. Throughout the entire thing I died in painful ways, stabbed into the first, skinned alive in the second, and the character from madness Cheshire cat saved me from the death I would have encountered. I was brought to the finale battle.... A man dreamy as can be, square glasses and brown hair, he was the boss chasing me. Throughout the entire game I could hear him and feel him watching. He was taunting me,saying "I wish you wouldn't go." He kept begging me "Stay with me little one, and I'll keep you close forever." I almost belived him. "Come on out my lil brat, soon you'll be back in your room nothing to harm you.." His voice so calm deep unlike any voice I've heard. He'd give chocolates and white roses..Their plain  white would fade into a blue enflamed. My favorite..He made me feel terrified, but at the same...loved. I crawled through the endless pipes finally, reaching the engine room His office and my bed just like he said it would be. As I promised the passengers, I grabbed all the items and mini quests rewards, to help me on my journey. I've placed them into box as required and it fades as another appears. I took the box an open it. The blue herbs are inside but when I turned my back to leave there he was. Creeping slowly towards and saying "Naughty girl, taking things that don't belong to you.. I still love you kitten.. come back to me my Darling Doll." Hearing that I paled and begun to run quickly back to the vents. I start crawling faster than ever. I get to a door, opening it feeling im running out of time. I'm in his play ground, his domain. Why do I feel like I've been here before?...Hes gaining behind me...Calling me out. I ignore his calls and ingest the herbs, I start to feel woozy and suddenly im sinking from the train. Going down the blueish hue slide and rush towards the big yellow light, a sign of EXIT->. I get off the slide and run towards it. He sees me and yells out "No! And goes down the slide running to me. Hes getting closer and closer, Hes faster than me. I enter a ringed room with a door. Is this the exit? I rush to it opening the door to a crack, he nearly grabs me but the light emitting from the door..Feathers flowing out? I'm gone and hes gone ....I woke up ...I'm home. Aren't i?

I wake.

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