Night 15

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I was back. The undercover house. Everything looks normal on the outside but the inside of its own insulation and wooden floors lies the mirror realm. In that house lies a secret. The underground house/realm of my dead aunt's home. I was showing my cousin Emma my aunts home. the entrance on the house was small but elegant filled with her roses and the white picket fence. Futher into the house, lies a staircase leading down into the kitchen. the fridge was on the right, in the kitchen was your normal cookery. a stove and counter with cabinets everywhere. the dining table was a old wooden bear clawed piece, it had only two chairs on the far sides of the table. However when your open the see its empty and not a fridge but a door. We exited the kitchen and entered the hidden door inside the fridge. Upon entrance we saw a red  carpeted white walled room with 2 hallways 2 doors in each. Emma and I split up taking a different door. I took on the left door and what reveled was a church like place, a altar.  Lots of chairs..And an old friend sitting in one of the chairs but his wings are hanged on the ceiling hanging above the altar.
I wake

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