Part 22 -Teasing Ties

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Y/N's POV:
Jeon and I were almost at my flat, and for some reason, I was really nervous. Prabha, with her crazy and unpredictable nature, was on my mind. I hoped she wouldn't tease me too much. These thoughts were interrupted by a flashback of my recent call with Prabha.

Flashback of the Call:

Prabha: So, have you two to be couple took god's blessing ? [She said, laughing.]

Y/N: Madam, it's nothing like that. [I replied in a low voice.]

Prabha: "Why are you talking in low voice; he won't understand it anyway.

Y/N: That's true, but please don't tease me too much. it's nothing like that. [shy]

Prabha: Speaking of teasing, I remember I've cooked at home for you and 'Korea ticket number 1' [laughing]. If he's comfortable, bring him over. I also want to meet him and then I'll see how he stands in front of Rowoon [She continued, laughing.]

Y/N: You're crazy ad wait [I knew she was joking then I asked Jeon, and he agreed to come.] Okay, we're coming, but please, try to stay calm other wise he will run [said while laughing]

Prabha: I'll try my best,but can't promise. see you.[The call ended, and as I was recalling all this, Jeon called out to me - flashback ends.]

Jeon: What are you thinking about so deeply? [He parked the car in the parking area of my flat.]

Y/N: Oh, it's nothing special, but can I tell you something? [I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face Jeon.]

Jeon: Sure, go ahead. [He turned to look at me, waiting for me to speak.]

: Prabha is a bit of a free spirit, I mean, she's usually very high on life. She's sensible most of the time, but when she's in a playful mood, she can be a bit much... I mean, she's a bit too excited because you're from Korea... so...[I was about to continue, but Jeon interrupted.]

 Why are you so nervous? And I understand what you're trying to say. I'm sure I will enjoy both your and her company. Besides, you'll be there with me. [said with smile]

: Yes, shall we go upstairs? [I was hoping Prabha would control her ass little down. I know she's mature, but she can also be quite wild.]

Jin's POV:Y/N and I got out of the car and headed to the elevator. I noticed Y/N's nervous expression and thought to myself, how much of a storm can Prabha be? After all, I've managed BTS's chaos and craziness. The elevator doors opened, and Y/N rang the doorbell. Y/N's best friend, Prabha, opened the door.

Prabha: Hey, welcome! [She greeted us with a wide smile.]

 Thank you. [Prabha was quite small; was this the person Y/N warned me about? I pondered this as I entered and sat down on a sofa in the living room.]

: Hey, I'm Prabha, Y/N's best friend. [She said with a wide smile while seating just opposite to y/n and jeon .]

: I know your name. I've heard quite a lot about you. And I'm Jeon, currently just a tourist being guided by Y/N. [I replied with a smile.]

: "Well, I've heard quite a bit about you too. [Looking towards Y/N, she continued] You're definitely more than just a tourist, I can tell. Otherwise, Y/N wouldn't spend so much time with someone. [She said with a smile.]

: I'll go get some water for both... [I was about to speak when Prabha interrupted.]

: You two sit, I'll bring the water. [Prabha went to the kitchen.]

: You unnecessarily warned me about Prabha; she seems quite calm. [I said, looking towards Y/N.]

Y/N: Let her get comfortable first, then I'll ask you about her again.[She said, laughing, and Prabha returned with the water. Jeon and I drank the water.]

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