Chapter Forty-Five

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Zelda's pov

I had been reading to distract myself but now it's been hours. Surely Father would be convinced by now that Link isn't infected. The bite is on his neck; he would've turned shortly after receiving it. It never takes this long to spread.

I go back to my new room and replace my book on the shelf. I'll need to pace myself with the reading. If I'm not careful, I'll have all these finished in a couple weeks. Especially if Father leaves for hours at a time. Then again, Link will be released soon and I can spend my time with him. It's strange without him here. I've been with him day and night for weeks. He's been my safety and comfort. It doesn't feel right without him.

When the door to the apartment opens, I rush out of my room, disappointed to find Father and his soldier named Ganon. No Link.

"Where is he?" I ask, looking past the men through the still open door to see if he's behind them. He's not.

"He's just fine."


"I want to talk about you. We haven't gotten the chance to catch up yet."

"You said I'd be able to–"

"And you will," he cuts me off again. "But let's have dinner together like we used to." I want to tell him I'm not hungry. Worry doesn't leave much room for an appetite.

"Okay," I agree. His smile is warm and genuine. I can't say no.


To my surprise, Ganon stays. He sits at the table with us like he's a part of our small family. Why is he here and Link isn't?

"So," Father says, his gaze glued to me. "Did you have an occupation in the quarantine zone?" I don't see how that matters. That part of my life is over.

"I was a nurse," I say anyway.

"We have several nurses here. Perhaps you'd like to meet them? And you could continue nursing here if you'd like. We always need more."

"Maybe." I want to be with Link. He's the only one I need.

Chessica comes in carrying a steaming dish. It smells good even if I'm not hungry.

"Thank you," Father smiles when she places the dish in the middle of the table. Fish and rice. She leaves before I get the chance to ask her if Link ate.

Ganon reaches for the food before I can. His knuckles are bruised, split and scabbed over in some spots. It's fresh. He hurt someone recently. It can't be Link, could it? Father promised he wouldn't hurt him. He wouldn't lie to me. At least he wouldn't have five years ago.

Ganon puts a full plate in front of me before moving on to fill another. "Thank you," I say quietly. I'm not hungry. I need to know if Link is okay. He's been taking care of me and it's only right I take care of him.

"Ganon used to be a Navy SEAL before the outbreak," Father says as if he's talking about an accomplished son. He used to talk about me like that when I was his most prized possession. "He's second in command here."

"Impressive." I keep my eyes on my plate.

"You can go to him for any problems you may have though I think you'll adjust without any issues.

"I'm sure." I'll adjust better with Link. I had wanted to ask Father about getting an apartment for us to share. That was until Ganon showed up. And now I'm not sure if Link is okay. If he'd just let me see him—

"Are you alright?"

I force a small smile. "I'm just tired. There wasn't much time for sleeping well." While that's true, it's not why I'm upset. I've gotten used to not sleeping with my years of nightmares and the weeks of travel. It's the feeling of being lied to that's bothering me.

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