Chapter Thirty

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Minho POV

"Tell me it was necessary. Tell me we didn't just leave him there to save our own asses." Minho slowly turned to Chan as the front door slammed behind you, leaving him and Chan on their own in the dark driveway.

"It was necessary." Chan refused to break his stare towards the door, trying to remain stoic as his voice dropped to a quiet whisper "It's what he wanted."

Minho let out a deep sigh. Chan's calls had never led them astray before, always with the best interest of the group in mind. It's why even with Chan's silent communication, Minho hadn't hesitated to do as he was told for even a moment. The trust built between the two was unbreakable. An unspoken bond that would permanently tie them together.

"We're gonna have some repercussions to deal with."

Chan looked out to the street with a deep breath, trying to hide the attempt to keep himself steady before dropping his head and running his hands through his hair.

"You should head inside. Wash up, get some rest. If you can." His eyes stayed focused on his shoes, refusing to look toward Minho.

"You too." Minho tried his best to pull himself up the stairs of the home, only just now starting to feel the exhaustion in his bones from such a high strung night.

It was moments like this that the close proximity of his bedroom was beneficial. Being the only member with their bedroom on the ground floor, his door only a sharp turn to the left allowing him to slip in discreetly before letting himself fall backwards onto his bed.

He blinked as he stared up to the blank ceiling, trying to finally process everything that had just occurred. His lids were promptly growing heavy, and he allowed himself just a moment to slowly close them. Fighting off sleep before he had the ability to wash off any remnants of the night.

Minho finally pulled himself from the bed, flipping on the shower and letting the water slowly start to heat.

He tried to fight off the sickening feeling in his gut as he stared at himself in the mirror. He looked down to his shirt, accepting the blood staining deemed it worthless to keep. He forcefully finally undid his tie. And one by one, he unfastened the buttons, tossing the shirt to the side.

Letting the hot water run down his back, he settled his head on the shower wall. Just trying to keep himself awake and coherent until he could fall back into his bed once more.


"Can I get a little help here!?" Minho's head snapped in the direction of Hyunjin's voice, a heaving and weak Jisung supported in his arms. Minho looked back to you, only just now seeing the state of your hands as his head shot between you and Jisung, his mind torn both directions.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." Minho tried to give a soft squeeze to your shoulder with a nod before stepping away. He took Jisung's arm over his shoulder, releasing his weight from Hyunjin before scooping his legs up and hustling him over to one of the waiting vans.

Minho settled Jisung into the seat, his eyes quickly falling on his wounded thigh.

"What happened?"

"Jongho." Jisung grunted as he tried to pull himself up to adjust in the seat. "They knew we were posted."

He let out a pained hiss immediately as Minho began applying pressure to the wound, a string of curses leaving his mouth. Minho lifted his head, not letting the pressure fail as he scanned the surroundings for anyone he could send in your direction, not wanting you left by yourself.

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