Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Two days.

Two days was all we had for preparations.

After my conversation with Chan yesterday, it was agreed upon that time was of the essence, especially with Jiho breathing down our necks. The time and place had been confirmed after a secondary call with Big Bang, the plan was set in motion, all we had to do was execute.

When the sun had risen, Seongho wasted no time bounding over to my room from his guest bed, laying across me and groaning until I finally had stirred awake.

"Get offffff" I choked out into my pillow, squirming under his body weight. With a chuckle he splayed his arms out to his side like a starfish, dispersing his weight farther across my body.

"Maybe if you weren't lazy we wouldn't be having this problem."

"So help me god if you don't get off right now you're going to suffocate me. Have fun explaining that to Chan." My legs flailed beneath him, feet kicking backward in an attempt to kick him.

Seongho finally rolled off of me, settling into the space beside me in bed with a groan. I hoisted myself onto my elbows, finally allowing myself to breathe.

"You're way too energetic this early in the morning." My head dropped forward, hair draping across my face as I closed my eyes, wishing I could let sleep take over once more.

"And you sleep in too much, come to the gym with me."

"I can't, Seungmin still hasn't cleared me for physical activity." I fell forward back into my pillow, my body melting into the warm sheets as I pulled the blanket up over my head. "Just go down there yourself, let me sleep."

"Com'on, it's no fun down there by myself, at least come tell me if I'm doing stuff right."

"Oh jesus christ. Fine."

I originally had a full day of relaxation planned, letting myself to do little to nothing until nightfall when Seongho, Felix and I would head to Blossom after closing. But alas, relaxation was far from Seongho's mind, the gusto almost literally dripping off of him.

He felt like a kid on Christmas, far too eager to experience everything all at once. I had assured him that if he wanted me involved in any of his early morning shenanigans he would have to patiently wait for me to consume my morning coffee, preferably in silence after my rude awakening.

By the grace of the heavens, Changbin and Jeongin had made their way into the kitchen while Seongho mindlessly swung side to side in his stool, watching as I leaned back against the counter with my warm mug in hand. The two were clearly about to head down to the gym, filling their water bottles with shared jokes.

"What amazing timing you two have" Changbin and Jeongin both directed their attention to me, causing Jeongin to slightly spill some water in the process of his distraction. "Seongho needs a training buddy and I can't assist with that quite yet, care to take him under your wing?"

Changbin's smile grew as he stepped over and gave Seongho a soft punch to the arm, before nodding back to the stairwell.

"Yes! Come join Dwaekki gym!"

My brows furrowed in confusion as I looked at Jeongin, mouthing a silent question to him with the single word dwaekki?

He shrugged, clearly just accepting cluelessness to Changbin's naming scheme, not quite sure of an answer for me.

Before I knew it, the three were shuffling from the room, their laughter carrying down the hall as they slipped from my sight.

I let out a slow sigh in the new peace and quiet that was surrounding me, turning to gaze out the window and observing the crisp snow blanketing the ground.

Tiger Inside ||Stray Kids Mafia AU||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora