Chapter Eleven

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Seongho pulled me along, approaching a door beautifully framed by neon signs, welcoming in those from the street. Music pounded from inside, the bass increasing as Seongho opened the door and stepped to the side, guiding me in first. I bounced on the balls of my feet as we patiently waited in line at bag check, an itch in my bones to get out into the crowd. Seongho's arms rubbed up and down my bare arms, trying to maintain heat in my now poorly dressed body.

Once our items were finally checked and taken care of, my feet quickly pulled me to the bar, beckoning over the bartender for my choice of poison for the night. The liquid burned as it traveled down my throat, the warmth spreading through my chest as I reached for my second, clinking it against Seongho's as we continued our ingestion. His hand slipped within mine with a smile, slowly spinning me around before guiding me out to the crowded dance floor with him, my giggles quiet and muffled under the blasting of music.

My fingers tapped on the table before me, watching with a grin as Seongho found his next dance partner. After a while, I had slid from the crowd, needing a moment of rest before continuing. The club was crowded tonight, dancers shoulder to shoulder as they maneuvered around the dance floor. I glanced down at my watch and calculated just how much time we've already wasted here. I was honestly starting to get surprised that none of the boys had somehow located me and shown up already, maybe I was lucky and somehow got away with my little disappearing act.

Although I started to doubt that thought the moment a figure slid into the stool beside me, but as my eyes started to take in the person next to me, I quickly realized it was someone I was unfamiliar with. Dark hair slightly parted to the side, a black and white streaked jacket, and black turtleneck emphasized by a long silver chain. His features look like that of a painting, eloquently drawn with brush strokes so gentle and methodical. Damn, that is one beautiful human being.

"What's someone like yourself doing here on the outside of the crowd by herself?" His smile was soft, his words slow and sultry, feeling like they were pulling me to him with an invisible rope. The air felt like a siren had been placed by my side and I was hopeless against his spell.

"Decided to slip out for a quick breather, was getting stuffy in there." He grinned as he brought his glass to his lips, his eyes not breaking from my own. Jesus christ, how does someone this beautiful even exist?

"Are you here by yourself tonight?" I shook my head as my eyes met the crowd, scanning for Seongho among the sea of patrons.

"No, I'm here with a friend, but can't really see where he's gone off too..." I failed to spot my friend, he had fully vanished, probably dancing up on some random girl he had found.

"Well what a shame for him, but at least that means I get to enjoy your company." I stared down at my glass, trying to hide the blush creeping up into my cheeks, unsure if the cause of the heat in my face was from the alcohol, or the nerves in my system from being in close proximity to someone so stunning. His words stayed smooth during our conversation, sentences feeling like butter as my legs were turning into puddles beneath me.

Our small talk rambled on, our topics flowing smoothly. But surely it was interrupted as his eyes steadied on something behind me as he spoke, stopping as he brought his glass up, freezing it at his lips before taking a sip. An arm snaked around my shoulders, a strong hand finding grip on my opposite shoulder.

"What a surprise to see you here tonight Seonghwa, can't say I took you for the clubbing type." Minho's voice was sharp and cold, in stark contrast to the pleasurable conversation that had just been occurring. I shut my eyes in defeat. There he was.

"It's not often I find myself craving it, but it still somehow manages to find me." Seonghwa clicked his tongue in his cheek as he set his glass down, a smirk growing across his face. His eyes followed as Minho's grip on my shoulder vanished as I brought my drink up to my lips, instead his hand plucked the glass from my hand, Minho staring down Seonghwa as he pours the rest of the liquid into his own mouth. Seonghwa's head tilted slightly, following as Minho set the glass down on the table.

Tiger Inside ||Stray Kids Mafia AU||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя