Author's Note

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With the posting of chapter 20, I feel like I've hit a benchmark for myself and I just wanted to take a quick moment to appreciate my readers.
This has been my first time writing a fic and oh boy what a journey has it been for me. I definitely dove in head first to creating such a lengthy story, but it has been such a joy of mine to brainstorm this plot (thank you to my two best friends also giving me their input and feedback through the process)
There's still soooo much to come, so much is planned, and those who have been with me since the beginning, or even those who have joined recently, I appreciate all of you deeply for your support in this new challenge I've created for myself.
While I try my hardest to get out weekly updates, between working two jobs and a lot of personal life stuff, I fall behind every so often so I thank you all for your patience.
Everyone's feedback and enjoyment of the story has kept me fueled to keep going, every comment I receive makes my day so much brighter, so thank you all once again for coming along on this journey with me.
Here's to many more fun adventures within the story! Because you all have no idea what's coming for you 😏

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