Chapter Four

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My eyes squinted as I failed with a miserable attempt to shield my face from the light aggressively shining through my windows, honestly windows this large in a bedroom facing the sunrise should be a crime.

Lifting myself from the cradle of the soft mattress below me I sat up, finally getting a moment to observe the room Felix had led me to last night. I had been barely coherent, hardly aware of my surroundings as I struggled to keep up my pace behind him. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and in a half awake daze started to take in my surroundings.

My suitcase sat beside the dresser that was across from the foot of the bed, a mirror above it reflecting my rough appearance back at me. I was painfully aware of the blinds, which most definitely should have been closed last night before slumber, being wide open as I struggled to keep my squinting eyes away from the beam of sunlight making it's way into the room. My head pounded as if I had a piercing hangover, my body clearly angry with me from missing an entire night of sleep prior. I quickly realized that I still wore the same clothes as last night, too tired to strip and redress myself before crawling into bed.

With a groan I collapsed back into the mattress, staring at the ceiling, as I recounted the events of the night. This predicament that I now found myself in sitting in the back of my mind, preventing myself from finding any comfort beneath the warm sheets around me. There was nothing I wanted more than to just melt into the blankets, finding more blissful comfort in the embrace of a dead sleep. I rolled onto my side away from the windows, attempting to pull the blankets to my face and get comfortable again.

A soft couple of knocks emitted from the door, my groaned "whaaat?" slipping out from under the sheets. I could hear a slight chuckle from behind the door, the voice following clearly identifying Felix standing behind it.

"So I take it you're finally awake then, come out here when you're decent." I pushed the blankets off of me again in a groan, finally lifting myself from the comfort of bed. I crossed to the mirror, settling down any hair put astray from a deep nights sleep. Taking a deep breath, I made my way to the door and opened it slowly, finding Felix leaning against the opposite wall. He stood as I appeared, a soft smile spreading on his face before he observed my outfit with a raised brow.

"You hadn't changed?" I responded with nothing but a weak shrug, wondering if it was truly surprising with the last 48 hours I've had. "Well, Chan's been waiting to talk to you." I pressed my lips together in a tense line before closing my eyes and sighing.

"I should have expected that, huh?" My feet fell in line behind Felix, following him down the stretched hallway. "Let me guess, Chan's the leader?" Felix nodded as he turned us to the left down a separate hall, my eyes finally starting to take in the massive home I was within. Last night my eyes were far too foggy with sleep, unable to observe the dark hall I had been led down.

"Yeah, he didn't really expect you to sleep in until 4, but he insisted we let you sleep." My feet stopped abruptly where I stood, staring at the back of his head in shock.

"IT'S 4 O'CLOCK?" He finally stopped and slowly turned around, looking at me in confusion.

"Yeah? Nothing wrong with that, we know you didn't sleep at all the night before, and that's kind of me and Hyunjin's fault." I scoffed with a laugh before continuing behind him, only a few more steps before he stopped before a large door. Looking back to check that I had caught up with him, he then turned back to the door and left three knocks. A voice inside welcomed him in, Felix poking his head in just slightly.

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